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UNTITLD Art Editorial No. 2

UNTITLD is a publication focusing—but not limited to—contemporary and modern art. This metal-bound book focuses on installation art. The metal is roughly cut, which can quite easily draw blood from the viewer. Like the artists, the reader physically interacts with the material. The work is done with a post-modern grid system, the angles of which are derived from Walter De Maria’s piece Apollo’s Ecstasy.
The artists exhibited are Richard Serra, Jenny Holzer, Urs Fischer, and Walter De Maria. The grid parallels the art pictured on each page. Each artist has a color palette that complements their body of work. In all, the layouts are fluid, allowing for their form to enhance each individual’s installation pieces.
UNTITLD Art Editorial No. 2

UNTITLD Art Editorial No. 2

The piece exhibits various forms of installation art with a postmodern grid system. The book has metal covers, giving a tactile feeling of instal Read More
