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Fibromyalgia Awareness/Fundraising Campaign

Fibromyalgia can affect both men and women and cause debilitating physical and emotional pain for decades before it is detected. 

This campaign aimed to give a voice to the estimated +831,000 people in Ecuador who may be suffering, and break the stigma associated with the pain, showing the realities of fibromyalgia and how to overcome common challenges.

We used sponsors and recommended the following space distribution as well as stands. Each sponsor was free to use their stand if they had one.
Many in the audience looked for support from their spouse (and tried to get them to understand), while others were looking to learn more about the disease and how it impacts a loved one. The conference also served as a voice for patients and a temporary support group where many in the audience had the opportunity to express themselves openly without shame or ridicule. Around 320 people assisted the conference exceeding expectations and prompting local support from the municipality of Guayaquil.
Fibromyalgia Awareness/Fundraising Campaign


Fibromyalgia Awareness/Fundraising Campaign

Often known as the silent disease, Fibromyalgia affects both men and woman internationally causing debilitating physical and emotional pain. Many Read More
