Rebecca Griffin's profile

Untitled Labyrinth Prototpye

"Untitled Labyrinth Side-Scroller"
Level One Prototype
Showcased in the highlighted video is the culmination of learned skills regarding video game development, specifically providing a proof-of-concept and prototype for a proposed video game. By taking the game document and implementing rudimentary game systems, as well as a prototype level, the designer shows their ability to adapt a word document into a playable demo. 
- Implemented Systems -
The first system implemented for this prototype is a point system in the form of "Coins." These coins have been programmed, as seen above, to apply a value to a score count once they have been collided with by the player character.  Upon applying this stored point value, the actor is destroyed in a node following a sequence storing the score data to a created save file. 
Above is the remainder of the code for the "coins" blueprint, including the "Destroy Actor" node following the score save system. The score save system loads on player start, accessing a stored "Hi-Score" showing the player the highest number of "coins" previously obtained. This value is then updated and stored to a value inside the character blueprint for reference in the HUD widget. 
Another system utilized by the prototype is a "portal," which teleports the player character to a paired actor upon collision. These portals are meant to serve as a way to utilize a single level, while creating multiple explorable areas for the player. This can cut down on load time and game size, as it eliminates the need for multiple levels. These portals have also been attached to a dynamic mesh, allowing them to be colored and textured independently of other actors of the same class. This can help in identifying entry and exit points.

These systems represent two of the biggest elements implemented in the prototype, and can be adapted in further iterations to specific desires or requirements for the project. 
- Retrospective -
This project is meant to serve as a launchpad for my experience as a game designer. It is the culmination of my current knowledge with the Unreal Engine. I created this prototype in around three days from a proof of concept I had previously drafted, and look forward to developing it further. I feel the project has a lot of potential, including the addition of more puzzle-solving elements or environment design. By utilizing a prototype such as this one, I feel I can highlight my ever-evolving skills as a game developer. The inclusion of the above blueprints aim to show I can work with the Unreal Engine, as well as highlight my ability to create and explain a self-made code block. I look forward to furthering my knowledge with the Unreal Engine, and continued work with prototyping will do just that. 
Included in this project is the free environment pack "Stylized Nature Pack," by Tiny Talisman Games. The pack can be found on the Epic Games Store.
Untitled Labyrinth Prototpye


Untitled Labyrinth Prototpye
