MOE Humanities Scholarship & Programme Brochure

Humanities Scholarship & Programme Brochure (2017)
Humanities Scholarship and Programme aims to develop the humanities scholars into values-driven and thought leaders at the local, regional and global levels.

Based on the idea of the humanities being a puzzle piece in understanding the world, shapes were created in bright, refreshing colours and used as elements throughout the design of the publication.

What seems like an intimidating or nerve-racking application process has been transformed into a fun and lively brochure for the prospective scholars.

Client: Ministry of Education
Sector: Education
Discipline: Editorial Layout, Illustration, Brochure Design
Project Team: Rodney Loh, Adriane Lee, Syahrul Salleh, Cheong Tong Pei, Anthea Tay

 “Humanities put the puzzle pieces together to help us  understand the world!”

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MOE Humanities Scholarship & Programme Brochure

MOE Humanities Scholarship & Programme Brochure

Humanities Scholarship and Programme aims to develop the humanities scholars into values-driven and thought leaders at the local, regional and gl Read More
