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2022 Lunar New Year, the year of the Tiger

Inspired by the Lunar New Year, 2022 being the year of the tiger. I created this piece in the same style as my 'Illuminated' series. I chose to use colours that are not only associated with the tiger (orange and black) but also the colours associated with Chinese New Year, red and yellow/gold. I think the vibrancy of the chosen colours on the black really make this drawing a favourite of mine. The drawing was created in Procreate, using the inking studio pen and a combination of airbrushing brushes.
Following the first drawing I decided to experiment with a different style whilst keeping the same general aesthetic of the original piece. The style I went with is a more grounded, solid feel almost like a paper cutout/collage whilst the original has a more ethereal look. This piece was also created in Procreate. Like the original the solid lines and colour are from an inking studio pen, as are the orange sections of the flowers, however the orange sections were created with the opacity of the studio pen turned down. the textures of the tiger and on the yellow vines were created using the charcoal willow brush.  
The third piece in this New Years series was created in a similar way to the second, using the same brushes and techniques. this time the willow charcoal was used to colour the background, it was also used for the orange and yellow sections of the flowers. Although the piece once again feels more solid, I feel that it looses some of the original's whimsy/magic that is still present in the second drawing. however I think it's strength is when it's viewed from further away as the tiger is quite striking against the background when viewed at a distance. 
2022 Lunar New Year, the year of the Tiger


2022 Lunar New Year, the year of the Tiger
