3D Printing Bioluminiscent
Bacteria with Biomaterial  by Shuyun Liu & Stefanie Putsh
What if we could observe bacteria in a completely different way - up close and accessible? Could a threedimensional, soft and wet structure immitate the body and environment the bacteria normally lives on?

The project "Glas Clear" investigates the fundamental biochemical and structural properties needed to maintain and control microbial activity in new materials.This is done using bioluminescent bacteria, which have a symbiotic relationship with numerous marine organisms. Our goal was to create a structure, that provided the bacteria with nutrients, oxygen and humidity and to give us the oportunity to observe how these parameters can influence the bacterias behavior.
Material Experiments

The bacteria lives in a damp, dark, oxygen- and nutrient-rich environment. Namely, in symbiosis with the octopus. In order to cultivate the bacteria and integrate it into the printed mass, we have to create it's optimal habitat. The requirements are not that high: humid and nutrient-rich. However, since we are printing the mass with the 3D printer, it is important to know what consistency the mass has and that it must also be transparent for optimal observation. The experiments were aimed at creating an optimal habitat for the bacteria. We experimented with moist, dry, hard, soft, nutrient-rich, nutrient-poor, fibrous, slippery materials.
Here we demonstrate the movement or growth of bacteria in a structure. What might it look like if the bacteria feel comfortable and spread accordingly?
Perhaps instead of applying the CaCl2 with a spray bottle, we can put it directly into a gel bath that is optimally gelled to support the weight of the printed mass. The alginate that comes out of the extruder would harden as soon as it comes into contact with the CaCl. In this experiment, we found that the extruder clogs very quickly because the CaCl2 touches the alginate too early.

Then we mixed applesauce with psyllium husks and alginate. And we find that the psyllium husks bind the moisture and form a tough substrate that is ideal for printing.

Using an algorithm, we formed curves that run just past each other within the structure. This creates a stable shape that does not collapse and at the same time offers more surface area for the microorganisms. 
Visual model with lumineszierende bakterien in darkness
Programming the 3D structure gave us the freedom to experiment with a variety of forms, that our very soft biomaterial could benefit from, to become a tall, stable and three dimensional structure our bacteria can live on. The mold was designed to build upward through multiple and smaller curves. In the end, we were able to print about 10 cm high.
Embedding the bacteria

Before embedding the bacteria, it is mostly multiplied and then pelleted. It is taken from the nutrient medium in a concentrated form and then embedded into the mass.
3D printed bacterial habitat

As we already know, it is important to keep the bacteria in an oxygen-rich and humid habitat. Hydrogen peroxide could serve as a so-called oxidiser from below, supplying the air with oxygen and water vapour. On top of the dish is a perforated plate on which the printed structure stands and lets the steam through.
The whole thing is kept sterile and protected by a glass bell. 3D printing gives us the freedom to design a structure to observe the bacteria as it would normally behave only in the deepest ocean. We start to get inspired by thes luminous creatures and we see them up close and glass clear.


