Anika Aggarwal's profile

Color for Mental health: Free Coloring Pages

Color for Mental Health

Our mental health is constantly changing due to our inner conflicts and the outside world. It's a very different feeling for everyone and amidst the current conditions of the world during March 2022, I started thinking about art therapy.

I immediately thought of coloring pages and decided to create some for the people in the community around me. I worked on sketching these pages in Adobe Fresco during a Behance Livestream. Watch the replay here.

Once I had the sketches and concepts ready, I vectorised them using the jitter vector brushes in Fresco. These were then exported to Illustrator to export as a PDF.​​​​​​​

You can download the free coloring pages from the assets linked in this project.
Here's a quick walkthrough of how to use the file attached in the source files. 

If you color any of the pages from this collection, feel free to share them with me on social media @anikaagg or send it to me directly on the Discord. Hope this helps.

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Color for Mental health: Free Coloring Pages


Color for Mental health: Free Coloring Pages

Our mental health is constantly changing due to our inner conflicts and the outside world. It's a very different feeling for everyone and amidst Read More
