News System Gigamap

News can be defined as information about recent event or recently changed situation which is designed to report and spread knowledge on that subject matter. It differs from information as information is just general facts while news aims to spread awareness about said facts in public interest. Alongside legislative, executive and judiciary system, media system is considered to be the fourth pillar of democracy and has the responsibility to keep citizens informed about the activities of other 3 systems.
This project aimed at understanding news media system by research and mapping. This work includes TV news channels and their online adjunct excluding print media like newspapers, magazines, etc. 
The research was performed in a group of 4 while the final system map is individual work.
Team: Kalpesh Bhavsar | Maneesha Warkade | Shrunkhala Thakare | V. Karthikeyan
Above mapping understands key stakeholders involved in creation, distribution and consumption of news and their interrelation.
Use and Abuse cases stand for constructive use and misuse of a medium respectively. Here, news organizations, the Government, political parties and businesses are the key stakeholders who can use news for betterment of people and society. The news can also be exploited by these for personal gain as shown above.
This mapping aims to examine the impact of stakeholder involvement on broader sectors like financial, societal and environmental.
The news is produced for a variety of consumers. Different type of news can make different effect on various consumers. This can shape their opinions, behavior and biases and can have impact on their social circles and society at large. The map explores such possible impact of news on its consumers.
Information obtained from various sources acts as 'raw material' to product news. This news is distributed for consumption through different channels to reach its consumer. News consumption then can impart to the news again. This cyclic nature of news is illustrated in above. The system map shown below explore this correlation further to give detailed overview of the news system.
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News System Gigamap

Project Made For

News System Gigamap

The project explores the news media in India and visualize it as a system. It delves into journey of news from sourcing data to production, distr Read More
