Tehya Patrice's profile

๐Ÿ’กโœ๏ธ Truth โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ก

Jesus said to him, โ€œI am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.โ€ - John 14:6 -

Break down: โ€œHe is the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE, and the LIGHTโ€ He is the road path to take. He is life, the light to your feet. Without him? There is no way to reach the Heavenly Father. We the people, humans are so ungodly it does not matter how โ€œgood of a personโ€ you think you are. What humans think is โ€œgoodโ€ does not even compare to what God version of Good and Holy is, Elohim is the source, the DEFINTION of holiness, righteous of โ€œwhat is goodโ€

This is how we got in the mess we are in, in the first place. Going with our own versions of what WE THINK in our own eyes is right and wrong. That we know what is better than God almighty, the one that made US and everything in the UNIVERSE. But guess what? We do not, with is why the world is like it is now. Because of our fallen nature, and going with our own twisted corruption definition of morals of right and wrong, and not with Godโ€™s right and wrong. Do you know how better the world would be if people follow Jesus way? (the Holy Bible Jesus) a WHOLEEEEEE a lot better. Listen to me, please it does not matter how many good things you do, your โ€œgood deedsโ€ will never, and I mean NEVERRRRRRRRRRR will be as large then your bad deeds. If someone tells you that your goods deeds can outweigh your bad deeds? They are lying to you or they are being deceived themselves. You need a savior and his name is Jesus Christ. He is there if you want him, he is not going to force you to take the free gift of his life, we all have free will to choose.

Let me paint an illustration for you. Imagine you are in a room or outside, now you see the floor/ground? Get on your knees and place a hand on the ground/floor, now raise that hand a little bit from the floor/ground, okay this illustrates the โ€œgood deedsโ€ you done in your life until your death bed. Now, look up to the ceiling/sky were the clouds are at, look how far the ceiling/sky is from your hand, the ceiling/sky illustrates your bad deeds. Beloved, your good deeds, will never and I can promise you this, your good deeds can NEVER EVER outweigh your bad deeds. That is how HARD we have fallen from Godโ€™s grace. And because we fallen so hard, being in disobedience, we deserve hell. We do not deserve life or the Heavenly Father forgiveness. But guess what? There is good news. Jesus โ€œakaโ€ (Godโ€™s son & God in human form) died for me and for you. So we do not have to go to hell. God is a righteous judge a Holy God, but he is also a loving, forgiving, and merciful God as while. We do not deserve the mercy and his love, but he gives it to us anyway because he loves us. He loves us to death, he literally died for us, sacrifice himself so one day we can be at peace and live with him in Heaven one day with our other brothers and sisters in Christ.

โ€œFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.โ€ - John 3:16 -

It does not matter how hard you fallen love. No SIN, NONE God canโ€™t forgive. The only bad thing you can do is reject Christ from your life, never accepting him ever. Once you die thereโ€™s no more chances/mercy.

You still being alive right now? Is a blessing. It is the mercy the good Lord has on your life, on your soul. Please do not waste another day. Please repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ into your heart, make him Lord over your life. Believe He died and raised again on the 3rd day. He loves you. He wants a relationship with you. Because that alone? Him dying for us on the cross, you having a relationship with Jesus?ย  He Is the only way to life (once you were dead in your sins, but with Jesus you now have life - Ezekiel 36:26 - (in the Holy Bible), the way to the father is having a relationship with Jesus, Jesus is the bridge.

Like I said before, it does not matter what you have done beloved. God can forgive you and you can become a child of the Most High. Start living the life that will give your LIFE, becoming what God made you to do and be before sin got in the way. Now,ย that does not mean you will not fall into sin everย again, no you will. That is why Jesus died for us. He paid the price for our past, present, and future sins on the cross. We fall every single day. We canโ€™t escape that; theย spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:40-43). Just when you fall into sin again? Repent of thoseย sin(s) and take Jesus hand, and keep heading towards the finish line (Philippians 3:14).

ย โ€œBehold, the LORDโ€™s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.โ€ - Isaiah 59:1 -

Just come as you are, and God will help you with the rest. If He can help and save me? He can help and save you. You are not too damned beloved. If someone tells you so? That is the lie from the pits of hell. You still breathing? There is hope.

Pray daily
Read your Bible daily &
Repent of your sins daily
๐Ÿ’กโœ๏ธ Truth โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ก


๐Ÿ’กโœ๏ธ Truth โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ก
