This is an ongoing project. My quest is to illustrate 209 species of the Quercus family.
Quercus marilandica. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus robur. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus blakei. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus falcata. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus lyrata. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus virginiana. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus prinus. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus laevis. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus rubra. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.
Quercus glauca. Pen and ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.


This is the beginning of my project quest to illustrate 209 species of oak. These are pen and ink drawings on 9"x12" Bristol Boards.
