Software Used:
Photoshop,Illustrator, 3Dsmax, Zbrush, Audacity, UDK, NDo2, Dd0
Private Cowan, is a long way from home. When an alien armada ambushed the rest of his fleet, he barley escaped with his life. Now lost behind enemy lines he is tasked with keeping top secret information from alien hands, and blasting his way back home.
Conception & Production:
This project began as a team assignment for a class. We had only 11 weeks to make the best game experience we could. For many of us this was our first real game production project. I was tasked with Team Lead, and oversaw all aspects of development. The team comprised of 10, 3 programmers, and 8 artists. As a art person myself, the challenge of cordinating with programmers proved both challenging and enligtening. We were very lucky to have a team that liked and respected one another. Along with team lead, I chose the aesthetic look of the game, chose and edited sound fx, Illustrated and animated main menu screens, and most importantly planned and constructed the level layout. From lighting, to enemey placement. We chose to make one fully embelished level, instead of multiple unpolished. I broke the gameplay up from asteroid fields to enclosed caverns. The player would gain a sense of progression by placing harder enemey types every few minutes. Before the final week we were able to add a point system, player power ups, a HUD, and even a Boss fight at the end. Our final class was spent celebrating our achievment by competing with each other and having our piers and professors come into class to play.
Cowan's Run