The bucket list was made as a part of a classroom assignment during my publication course during my second year
The brief was to design a magazine in a genre we prefer. I chose to design a travel magazine   
I wanted the reader to have a structured experience while reading the magazine hence I split my magazine as a step by step travel plan, as it could be useful for travellers to find content they are looking for easily
The first section of the magazine covers a few location options for the traveller, divided into beaches, mountain etc so every travellers need is entertained
The next section of the magazine covers how’s and what’s of planning a trip. It covers buying tickets, creating an itinerary and the budgeting of the trip
The third section of the magazine, which is also the cover story covers a list of hotels to choose from
The next section of the magazine covers the best options to eat at each city for every budget group
The last section of the magazine covers the basics of what and how to pack for a trip
The bucket list

The bucket list
