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Lab 6: Open Lab Audition

Lab 6: Open Lab Audition
In this Lab6 session, I tried my best to work with Adobe Audition and created something new by using the different tools of Audition.In this lab , I worked on the "How to edit sound with the help of Adobe Audition".This lab was super fun, I didnot even expect that there are lots of things that we can apply & play around the sounds which makes our sound way better than before.

Here is the sound clip which I recorded before to work in Adobe Audition.

Clip 1 is the raw clip which I recorded.
Now,lets discuss few things which I learned in the video "How to edit sound with Adobe Audition" and after learning those things I applied in my aforementioned clip and get a different sound clip.
Here, we have some of the learning facts, which I will discuss further in steps:-

# LEARNING FACT 1:- Amplitude statistics:-
This panel tells you everything about your audio file.When we run the scan button it gives us all the info that we need to know regarding our audio file.0 db is the loudest sound ever and if we want the quietest sound ever then we will have -140 dbs.Clipped samples are the ones which gives us an idea how many clips we included in the whole format.Do fix this before editing any audio file.
#LEARNING FACT 2:- Diagnostic statistics:-​​​​​​​
if we want to repair our audio file then we find this option inside the window panel.From the effects just choose the declippper effect and set the presets to the restore lightly clipped when hit the scan button it gives us all the faults that our audio has and when we hit the repair all the it fit the whole audio format and change the wave format as well.It will further change the peak amplitude in the amplitude statistics as well initially it was  this then after making changes with diagnostics the we get this -4.42 db.

#LEARNING FACT 3:- Selection tool:-​​​​​​​
when want to simply drab and drop on the wave format then we will see this white area when we zoom in or zoom out then we will come to know that we have some noises or some weird is happening in short interval then instead of cutting down the fact what we will do we can silence that part with the help amplitude manager.This will gives option to remove noises without cutting that option.

If we want to skip the particular part and don’t want to listen that on Ethen we have this option which will help us to skip the particular. Part of the audio which we don’t want in clip.moreover, if we want to make new file from the selected part then we have then option of “copy new” which makes the separate file for the selected part of the wave format.
This feature is quiet useful when we overlap any piece of sound, it has some different options insert which remove the other sounds then we overlap which create a layer of other sound on the top of the other one then we have overwrite which masks very convenient and even adjust the timing of 8 sec in 5 sec as well.
#Learning Fact 6:- Shortcut keys
1. J key :- To go backward.
2. K key :- To Stop or Pause.
3. L key :- To go forward.

By using all the above features, I finally edit my sound clip which is as follow.

Clip:-final edit.

I would like to thank professor Nova to give us an opportunity to explore and learn the different functionalities of Adobe Audition.Being, a video creator,these features will prove very beneficial for me.I used the Youtube video of "Jason veline" through which I learned all the facts of editing sound clip.
Video link:-

Raw clip:-
Final edit of sound clip:-

Lab 6: Open Lab Audition

Project Made For

Lab 6: Open Lab Audition
