"it was the status of the body as an image that perhaps allowed for confidence that one was no longer dealing with a literal pre-critical body; one could write about embodiment without appearing to be a vulgar materialist". p 13 Deleuze and the Body
Touching each other is essential for humans. One of the Five-Love-Languages is touch, next to; receiving gifts, acts of service, quality time and words of affirmation. Touch is calming, warming, sexual and intimate. In these times you receive probably too little from it with 'social distancing' or actually 'physically distancing'. A lot of use crave hugging, touching, kissing and of-course handshakes.
From body-language to body
The configuration of our body tells a story. It tells a story about our mental and social status. The composition says something about our physical body and health. A man may stand straight up, showing a sign of superiority or/ and dominance. A worker Is hunched down, putting their heads down, portraying a submission. These dynamics between each other show a difference in power dynamics. In the dark side our psychè, there is this altruism, that says, if you are hunched over I can pray on you. (this side is amplified in anti-social-disorders AKA psychopathy and sociopathy, to be clear).
If your arms are open towards the people you are facing you can show vulnerability. People will have an easier time to go to talk to you because you don't portray a dangerous attitude. You could go on and on about the language of the body and the dialogue that has been spoken.
photograms of my body and black and white photography. analogy printed, digitally scanned and printed again
Touch - Body

Touch - Body
