There are Belarusians and there are lukashenkoists.
Belarusians help us, they are people who live in a totalitarian country with a self-proclaimed dictator in power.  And lukashenkoists are the same zombies as all Russians.
Belarusians are helping us a lot now.  They are sabotaging and destroying the railway tracks, not allowing Russian troops into Ukraine.  There is no longer a railway connection between Ukraine and Belarus.  And this is the work of Belarusians.
They created a telegram channel, which pours information about the movement of equipment and missile launches in Ukraine.  I have already written about this.
But let me remind you that there is terrible terror in Belarus.  Police stop people on the street and demand to show phones and messages.  Everyone who is detained is kept in a prison like a concentration camp.  There are 20 people in the cell for 8 people. They don't get toilet paper, instead they get opposition newspapers. "Police" or better to say keepers in these prisons send people to a crowded shower and told them to undress, and then instead of water they let gas, which burns the eyes.
This is hell.
But at the same time Belarusians are fighting.  To protest there, to make a sabotage, to fight, now it is to put oneself in danger.  Government and "police" hit, arest and torture people in Belarus.  But they still are protesting and fighting.
 Therefore, when I hear that poor Russians can do nothing, because they have terror and propaganda and can be imprisoned for 15 years, I feel sick.  Seriously?
There are the same terror and propaganda in Belarus but Belarusians are fighting.
I drew the illustration in support of Belarusians,  who are fighting against terror in their country and helping us.
I don't want move the focus from war Russia against Ukraine, but on the Belarus background  and their resistance, it is clear that all Russians, everyone, is to blame for this war.  Because they aren't doing anything for stop war, for fighting against terror.  Whereas in Belarus is the same terror, but Belarusians do something and fight.
#ЖывеБеларусь #СлаваУкраїні #Україна #Білорусь #рускійвоєннийкораблтідінахуй #stoprussia #stoprussians #stoprussianagression #russia #stopputin #warinUkraine #russianagression #Belarus



