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Risograph Color Chart

Color Chart Design and introduction of Risograph for Risograph Museum

During Aug. 2020-Jan. 2022, I worked at a risograph printing press, Risograph Museum, as a printer and designer. Risograph Museum has 22 colors. I set up a shape for each color, a color a shape. The shape looks boring on the screen. But with risograph printing, the subtle gradience and the unique texture of risograph shows its magic.

Risograph machine only takes grayscale file. With the grayscale file you prepare, you can choose whatever color you want to print with. The gradience of the color would be printed with different density of dots. Just like above, with 100% K, which s black, and the choose of color Nude, you get full color. And with 50%K, you can see the color dots are pretty evenly scattered the area for just 50%. That's how color is printed with risograph machine.

After I played with the machine for a year, I made this introduction of risograph machine for the press, Risograph Museum. It was my understanding of the machine. There's no doubt that I was standing on the shoulders of the giants. Risograph lovers around the world share their experience generously. Although I played with risograph not that long, I still hope that I can contribute some to the risograph cosmos. If you have never experienced the magic of risograph. Come enjoy it!

Designed and Printed  |  Tsen Lin
The Introduction of Risograph  |  Tsen Lin
Client  |  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Risograph Museum

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Risograph Color Chart


Risograph Color Chart
