Costume Design:
Concept, Process, Final Product and Editing

Concept Drawings
Recently, me and my friends decided to visit the Arizona Renaissance Festival but we couldn't just go in our normal, boring clothes. As a freelance costume designer and maker, I decided to make our costumes two weeks before the event date. Below you can see my concept sketches for the costumes of each girl. One girl was inspired by the Marvel character Loki while the other wanted to look like Cinderella 
I first started on my own corset so any mistakes made could be on my own and not on the the other girls'. While I don't have any pictures of me making the corset, I do have the final picture of it on without the rest of the costume. That picture is below.
Next I worked on all of our skirts. Mine was simple as it was only one layer but the others' were multilayered and took more time to complete. Luckily, the girls were willing to come over to help out and try them on when finished.
The girl in blue wanted a custom corset so I started on that last. The girl in green decided to buy her own corset off of amazon so I just did some minor alterations on it. However, the pirate looking shirts that we bought from goodwill didn't fit one of the girls. You can see on the right that the girl in green's sleeves are ripped. I fixed those later to her taste. 
Final Fitting
Since the green dress was pretty much done, I just needed the girl in blue to come over one more time to fit her corset to her body. Once that was done, our costumes were complete besides some minor adjustments here and there. 

Renaissance Time!
With the final costumes done, we went to the festival dressed like medieval peasants. We got plenty of compliments on our homemade outfits and decided to take final pictures in the dresses.
Final Pictures at the House
Final Pictures at the Festival
Picture Edits
Dressing up as princesses can't be left at boring pictures in the garden. To take the outfits one step further, I decided to Photoshop the girl in blue where she belongs.
Costume Design


Costume Design
