Bianca Provenzano's profile

Vietnam, war and peace

No words can describe the horror in a war scenario.
Human life becomes a simple chess piece, so fragile, knocked down in a single little move, by the opponent who laughs at his little “victory”.
I’d already sketched this art. It’s not about Ukraine, which unfortunately finds itself in a deplorable situation, but about the war in Vietnam. Since my adolescence, the war in Vietnam has always impacted me in some way, it always comes to mind, maybe the explanation lies in listening to Bob Dylan and Hendrix, from The Door to Creedence.
Among all the stories and all the photographs of the war, I found something inspiring, a curious photograph that caught my attention. When I saw that scene, I found a certain comfort, calm amidst the chaos, that made me want to paint a watercolor. 
Here is the final art.
Having said that, I confess that I’m still shocked by the situation in Ukraine, which is not at peace at the moment. May God bless the people who are hungry, who do not sleep, who do not have peace and who no longer know what dignity is.
Vietnam, war and peace

Vietnam, war and peace
