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Journey into the unconscious (Tarot cards)

I present you a series of five tarot cards.
To draw tarot pictures was my old idea which I finally got through.
In this works I heva used a watercolor, color ink, color pencils and potal.
Wish you nice watching :)
This is my interpretation of the Major Arcanus "Fool".
The card of the beginning, origin, novelty, freedom, play, child.
There is a sitting person in the centre (a certain being), who creates something out of non-existence. We still cannot understand what exactly it will be: something good or something bad. And for further development of anything we need an additional impetus. The man is young, and at the same time he is wise. He is not worried about what is happening around him, he is on his own wave. His strength is in this, and also in the fact that he can easily leave the past. It's only the beginning.
The next card I have drawn is the "Hermit".
This is a card of wisdom, self-knowledge, knowledge of the world around you through your own vision. A card of solitude, renunciation, experience, identity.
Now I will describe what is reflected in me.
A man sits in a cave. His appearance, posture and clothes indicate that he is immersed in himself, practices meditation, and develops spiritually. Some points he has already clarified for himself. And some discoveries are still waiting for him.
I depicted cognition as a radiance, a column of light that shines from above on a person.
A person is in solitude, no one and nothing interferes with him, does not distract him. He deliberately chose this isolation to better hear your inner voice.
But the cave is underwater and you can’t stay in it for a long time.
In addition, this cave is the mouth of a creature. It has many fins, processes, some of them resemble nerve cells. Like our unconscious, this being can control us. And on the one hand, take us to some new world: giving us a great imagination, or can devour: drive us crazy. This is an internal contradiction between what is perceived and what is not. Delving deeper into the abysses of one's inner world, the so-called "self-knowledge" can become self-digging. It is very difficult to get out of this state. It can lead to the fact that you can’t cope on your own, and you will need help.
But this creature is not really scary, so I purposely made it even a little funny, like an axolotl. And the snail on his chest is a spiral, which symbolizes infinity, repetition, a labyrinth. It is a constant and endless process.
The interpretation of the next card is as follows: soft power, fortitude, courage, courage, stamina, good health, physical strength.
I depicted a girl standing in a complex stance on one leg (somewhat reminiscent of the stance of the “golden rooster”), which means that she was able to master her body and cultivated stamina and patience in herself.
The card says that the human essence must defeat the animal, the mind defeats the instincts.
This card has a lot of solar energy, individuality. But at the same time, worldly wisdom, as a person has gained experience, overcoming his own weaknesses. Now he can overcome obstacles, go forward without looking back at anyone, since the source of strength is inside himself. And at the right moment, a person can transfer this power to other people through faith, kindness, incredible will.
The girl stands against the backdrop of an oak tree, age-old and strong. A miracle happens, and the oak in the picture blooms - as an indicator that if you believe in yourself and don't give up, the most incredible things can happen.
This card is about soft and wise strength, and not about torturing yourself and not about subordinating others to your will.
If the card is interpreted from the negative side, then it will just have the following meanings: misuse of power: suppression, submission, dominance, abuse of power, loss of control over oneself; powerlessness, weakness.
The next card that I wanted to draw is the Major Arcanus "Temperance".
In many ways, for me, this card symbolizes balance and harmony.
The girl depicted on the card slowly pours water: drop by drop. The fluidity of water is equivalent to the fluidity of time.
In order for the girl to hold steady in this position and not utter a single drop, it is necessary to maintain balance.
She stands in the water, being part of it. But at the same time - on the ground, relies on the material, that is, it has not completely merged with the flow.
In the background you can see the rays of the rising sun, which symbolizes the awakening of consciousness.
I have depicted water lilies in the water as a symbol of the purity of the mind.
Water flowers also symbolize the interconnection of everything in the world. The roots of these plants are in the ground, the stem is in the water, the flowers and leaves are in the air and are directed towards the sun.
In general, the card means measure, balance, restoration, healing, harmony, understanding the patterns of phenomena.
But there is also a negative connotation.
We see that in the background, behind the girl, the thickets of flowers turn into a swamp. There is a risk of falling into it. Stagnation, slowness and indecision.
The next one. It differs from the rest in terms of colors for a reason, and has much more negative ones. This is the controversial Major Arcanus "Devil". This lasso, as it were, "highlights" any negative.
Often shows our internal negative attitudes, describes human vices.
Interpretations are as follows: hypocrisy, pride, denial of the spiritual and excessive craving for the material (or vice versa), all sorts of addictions, intoxication, provocation, temptation, etc. In general, everything that one way or another destroys us from the inside.
I pictured a creature. At first glance, you might think that this is a human person.
But if you look closely, you will see in the creature a certain "animal" nature: ears, scales, wings, skin color. In fact, we can’t even determine who exactly is in front of us. The creature has a mask: a symbol of hypocrisy, cunning, secrecy.
The red color of clothes is the color of passions and strong emotions. Around the creature's neck is a necklace resembling skulls. I did this on purpose to show the unkind nature of the card.
The skull of a bull symbolizes aggression and dominance.
The creature has human hearts shining in its hand. Owning them, he makes people forget about everything.
Human silhouettes are tied to the skull throne. But in fact, if you look closely, you can see that people themselves are pulling this burden. After all, you can leave if you want. Someone is already freed, and someone continues to pull on (and not because he was forced, but because he is used to it, or it seems to him that it is better this way).
But this card does not speak of hopelessness.
There is a way out of the situation: a blue sky is visible above. And there are stairs that lead to the exit. But it’s not easy to climb them, the rope ladder. And the path will not be easy: perhaps the flames will burn, and there is a risk of falling again. But without our own efforts, we will not be liberated.
There will be another card ahead with which the inner devil can be defeated.
Thank you for watching!
Journey into the unconscious (Tarot cards)

Journey into the unconscious (Tarot cards)
