A Movie from
Some Shoot of Sorts

Redesign of on-air imaging of the alternative music channel MK. Some of SA's top bands were used as MK brand ambassadors to communicate the ethos or vibe of the channel.
Coin Shooter TD (Plinkers)
Crazed neighbor is trying to attack your home with mechanical cans and things.  He is using your fence as a guide for these mechanical menaces to reach your house.  The objects can’t travel through your yard since the vegetation is too tall. You sell the scrap material from objects to higher more hands.
Ø  Tower defense game side view. (Enter Starts the game press it to go to next wave too)
o   View of a fence where cans and objects move on the top of the fence.
o   Start with 5 scraps (have to have no towers selected to upgrade the cost)
§  Upgrade to decrease cost of everything by half
· Costs 32 scraps  
o   The towers/hands, sling shot and guns will be placed at the bottom of the screen. (When selecting the tower to place it, the ground will highlight.)
§  Flicking hand basic tower
· To start it takes 3 shots to take out all starting cans except the Vegibol.
· Costs 2 Scraps
§  Sling Shot Better Range
· 10% more range takes .5 less shots then flicking hand to take out starting cans.
· Costs 4 Scraps
§  Coin gun Faster fire rate
· 2x the fire rate of flicking hand
· Does 10% less damage then flicking hand
· Cost 8 Scraps
§  Coin Grenade Splash tower
· Hits up to 8 towers in a radius
· Takes only 2 shots to take out all starting cans except the Vegibol.
· Costs 16 scraps
· Upgrades (Will be Shown in right top corner, click on tower to view the upgrades)
· Click Coins/Ammo in the upgrade box to pull up options
o   You start with a small coin (dime) and eventually get to a dollar coin. (You have to upgrade gradually cannot just buy a half dollar right away!)
§  Dime (starts with this)
§  Penny (x1.5 more damage added)
· Costs 1 scrap
§  Nickel (x.5 more damage added)
· Costs 2 scraps
§  Quarter (x.5 more damage added)
· Costs 4 scraps
§  Dollar Coin (x.5 more damage added)
· Costs 6 scraps
§  Half Dollar (x.5 more damage added)
· Costs 8 scraps
o   Secondary upgrades for the coin will display when you click on “stats’ for the coin (can only use 2 of the following upgrades per tower!)
§  Splash/shatter
· Bursts coin on impact causing it to hit 5 other cans in a radius.
· Costs 4 scraps
§  Smashed Coin/double damage
· Costs 4 scraps
§  Radio Active coin (AOE)
· Makes the can radioactive spreading to 10 other cans around it dealing damage over time and slowing them for 5 seconds
· Costs 4 scraps
§  Sticky coin
· Coin sticks to can dealing damage for 5 seconds
· Costs 4 scraps
§  Upgrading towers
· Click Stats in the upgrade box to pull up options (have to upgrade gradually)
o   Speed (starts at 1 coin every 2 seconds)
§  2 coins every 3 seconds
· Costs 1 scrap
§  1 coin every second
· Costs 2 scraps
§  3 coins every 2 seconds
· Costs 4 scraps
§  2 coins every second
· Costs 6 scraps
§  (Max) 5 coins every 2 seconds
· Costs 8 scraps
o   Range
§  Start where towers reach about 40% the length and 33.3% the width of the screen on the game
§  Add 10% length and 8.325% width
· Costs 1 scrap
§  Add10% length and 8.325% width
· Costs 2 scraps
§  Add 10% length and 8.325% width
· Costs 4 scraps
§  (Max) 2x the original range 80% of the length and 66.6% width of the screen on the game
· Costs 6 scraps
§  Enemies (To start up through lvl6)
· Smooth C (will have xxx on it)
o   Gives 1 scrap when killed
o   Very slow almost feel sorry for it takes 30 seconds to get across the screen.
· Vegibol (veggie can)
o   Gives 2 scraps when killed
o   Takes 20 seconds to get across screen
o   Has 2x the armor
· Sweetcon (Fruit juice)
o   Gives 3 scraps when killed
o   Takes 10 seconds to get across screen
· Zergmister (soda can)
o   Gives 4 scraps when killed
o   Takes 10 seconds get across screen
o   They come in swarms 5 at a time
· Hypracan (energy drink)
o   Gives 5 scraps when killed
o   Twice as fast as a Sweebcon
· Zanbie (Boss)
o   Spawns a zombie can every second.
§  They only give 1 scrap when killed
o   Zanbie gives 10 scraps when killed.
o   5x the armor
o   Takes 10 seconds to get across screen.
§  Waves
o   First Wave
§  Every second a Smooth C goes across till 5 cans have gone across.
o   Second wave
§  Every second a Vegibol can goes across till 10 have gone across.
o   Third Wave
§  Every second a Sweetcon goes across till 15 have gone across.
o   Forth Wave
§  Every second a Hypracan goes across till 20 have gone across.
o   Fifth Wave
§  Every second a group of Zergmister cans go across till 5 groups of Zergmisters have gone across.
o   Sixth Wave
§  Every second a Zanbie goes across till 3 Zanbies have gone across.
o   Randomize and gradually make every wave harder but make sure the boss round is every 6 th wave  till wave 24 is complete (Game Complete)
o   Can click continue to keep going (game will keep getting harder.)
Plinkers TD

Plinkers TD

Crazed neighbor is trying to attack your home with mechanical cans and things. He is using your fence as a guide for these mechanical menaces to Read More


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