Carlisha Duffey's profile

Seven Heavenly Virtues

Seven Heavenly Virtues
We were given the choice of Seven Deadly Sins or Seven Heavenly Virtues. I chose Heavenly Virtues. For this project we were challenged to combine Digital and Analogue design methods to produce a print and digital version of our own newspaper. 

The Newspaper Club printed our tabloid sized tabloid newspaper on 55gsm paper stock. All photos were from past photoshoots that I was apart of or original photographs of my making.

The final newspaper consisted of 20 pages highlighting each of the Seven Heavenly Virtues. I have featured my cover, Chasity, Kindness and Humility, 3 of my favorite layouts. 

Cover Image of Newspaper,11.37 × 14.96" tabloid, Photo of myself
Chasity, Analog Collage, images from Essence Magazine
Kindness, Kansas Ballet Academy-The Nutcracker,  Handwritten Misty Copeland quote, Photos by Emma Wheatley
Humility, Photos by Me, Model- Danielle Mason
Full View of Newspaper via Filpsnack
Seven Heavenly Virtues

Project Made For

Seven Heavenly Virtues
