As a photography student, it should be expected that film developing and printing as part of the learning process.  Honestly, I loathed the idea of being in the darkroom as wearing gloves worsens my eczema and I'm allegic to the chemicals, so I can't go without them.  I hated the class when I first started, but by the end of the semester, I was sincerely depressed to be finished.  With the growing dependancy on digital, I do not see my college doing anything but shrinking the film classes...
Moments before I took this picture, I heard men yelling and a truck speeding off on the road behind me.  All other shots, Marc has his back to me, but the men were so loud, he turned around. I ignored them for the most part, even as a man ran past after the truck. Earlier, we had saw the truck down by the water, and Marc sarcastically said, "They're probably dumping a body."

The next morning, it turned out that a body washed up in Millennium Park.
My friend, Marc, and I put a lot of work into this shot. He's really wearing a pumpkin on his head. Truth is, finding the pumpkin turned out to be the hardest part. As it was two days after Halloween, no stores had any pumpkins. I told him, "That's it, we're just going to have to find a pumpkin on someone's porch and buy it from them." We wound up driving for twenty minutes, only to find that down the street from his house someone had two perfect pumpkins. I knocked on the door and a man with paint on his shirt answered. When I told him that we needed pumpkins for a photograph, he said, "Sure! You can have them for free." I love Michigan.
On my way home from class, I saw some children jumping down the steps from the overpass.  I thought, what a great picture!  I came back with my friend, Kelsie, and I told her what I wanted to do; the moment I saw the steps up close, I told her not to do it.  She was so persistant to do it that I wound up taking eight exposures, this being the one I was going for.
I've always been fascinated by the idea of space travel.  I hope to see the earth from space one day, but for now, I have a picture of a well lit pan.
What's losing a leg or two, it's a fun shot.
Film Excursion

Film Excursion

Memorable works from my five month immersion in darkroom photography.
