Christ is Risen!

Today I want to turn to God.The other day I went to the church near Yaremche, where I saw a figure of Christ decorated with daffodils. I was struck by the temple, the space and the light inside the medieval walls, I was struck by Jesus, and I painted him.

There were many difficult years in my life, when I was saved only by turning to God and only passionate faith in a higher power kept me. Everyone has their own way to God. Often and usually difficult and thorny, but full of sublime heartbeat, because every step is a knowledge of yourself and the world, a union of visible and invisible.

We do not see God, but we know that he is with us, between us and above us, how there is love, mercy and compassion, how there is a spirit in each of us, and what he is and what he aspires to, we must determine for ourselves.

Christ Is Risen

Christ Is Risen
