VELD / ceramic tile / 2014 / concept /

This concept was created for REFIN ceramiche.
Hear the sound of the wind in the endless enveloping seas of grass, consider the boundless meadows with their pacification. All this became the main idea of the project. VELD (from Dutch - “field”) - ceramic tile design, fully developed by our studio. Graphics, texture, tonal and color scheme pacify and relax, envelop.
Soft lines merging into streams, turning into each other, changing the tone - the basis of the visual nature of this graphic. This is a new look at pastoral themes, which are the basis of the design of old Dutch tiles. Hand-drawn graphics are a tribute to the Dutch tiles, as well as the color palette is borrowed from classic old designs.
tile size: 60 x 60 cm / 80 x 80 cm

Name: VELD
Type: ceramic tile
Year: 2014
Artwork: Maria Surkova 
Status: concept, searching for manufacturer

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VELD /ceramic tile/