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Postcard series Dancheong

Postcard series inspired in traditional Korean design, Dancheong.

Dancheong refers to Korean traditional decorative coloring on wooden buildings and artifacts for the purpose of style. It is based on the traditional Korean color spectrum of five colors; blue, white, red, black, and yellow. We call it Obangsaek.

Below are some examples of Dancheong in use.
The Korean dancheong is usually used in important places, such as temples and palaces, and can be found on the eaves of temple's roofs with patterns of animals. 

Dancheong also functions not only as decoration, but also for practical purposes such as to protect building surfaces against temperature and to make the crudeness of materials less conspicuous. It also protects the wood against insects, prolonging its lifetime.

The following work was created for FUNNYPURPLE and was inspired in these traditional Korean designs with a slight modern twist to it.​​​​​​​

Postcard series Dancheong

Postcard series Dancheong
