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Chemical Kaleidoscopes

This cover for Nature Magazine might seem familiar,with the gentlest whiff of turkey and cinnamon to it, and that’s because right back in August it became the inspiration for my Christmas cards.

Commissioned by Michelle at Nature Magazine, it was the cover for a special edition reporting on a Chemistry Masterclass in their Outlook section. Broadly speaking, the premise of the event is that more experienced scientists get together in an environment where they can be interviewed by up and coming scientists studying a related field. In this way ideas, inspiration and excitement about the subject can be devolved, shared and spread.

The brief was wide open but came with the enormous pressure to get the science ‘right’ - references to some extremely specific scientific concepts had to be found and checked, and more trickily, accurate and usable visual representations of them had to be sought.
Check out the full story on my blog HERE.
Chemical Kaleidoscopes

Chemical Kaleidoscopes

This cover for Nature Magazine might seem familiar,with the gentlest whiff of turkey and cinnamon to it, and that’s because right back in August Read More
