For AMD105, I went and visit the Museum of Photography in Balboa Park, San Diego. My overall experience of the museum was okay, nothing really strike me as much as I thought it would, but it was nice I suppose despite all the traffic to get there and finding a parking. I did like some of the photos in the exhibit and chose three and recreated them to how I thought what would be similar to my inspiration. One thing I did really in joined about the museum was there was a section where they had students work and showed creativity and perspectives of everyones work that was displayed, also the featured photographer they had within the other side of the student. I can't remember the name of the photographer however. Would I visit this museum again, maybe not since I would probably forget it's there since it's hidden and small exhibit also it's not worth the gas money. Anyways back to the photos I recreated I chose two from the student exhibit and one from the featured artist. The flower bed one is Sophia Lawrence and to get a similar concept I did a bubble bath with flowers and purple lighting and edited it to give it like a euphoria aesthetic. For the second on the close up photos of the two young child was by the featured artists which I can't seem to remember their name, but I took a picture of my friend on a well and try to get it as close to the zoomed in and tones of the other photo. And lastly Anya Oilbeth Valles photo of " Me as an adult " I used my bed room and set up the camera to be looking at the bed and organized the objects that are constantly around me.



Creative Fields