Donell Nak's profile


The object that is being inspected is called “EASY OFF OVEN: Heavy Duty Cleaner”. It has a total of 4 typefaces that are used throughout the product, including the logo which has two different typefaces, subtitles, and description. The typefaces are all sans-serif typefaces, more specifically in the Grotesque form. In terms of the alignment, the design for the front of the product aligns the text to the middle to achieve a sense of balance with the text, it is spread evenly but is slightly tilted to the left. The majority of the colours used are red, blue, and white with yellow being an accent colour. On the back, the text is aligned to the left and set inside text boxes to divide and categorise the information. On the logo, which is a wordmark, the word ‘OVEN’ is given a fish-eye effect and white stripes leading into the centre of the logo draw attention to the label name. Scale is used to differentiate the importance of the text and different colours are used to bring out important information, like the number 5 being highlighted in yellow in the otherwise white text.

The label is spaced appropriately at the front of the text, but there are too many different elements, that make the product seem messy. The audience for the label would seem to be catered to adults who care only for convenience, so their objective would be to create a loud, flashy, label to grab the attention of their audience who will not think too hard about what oven cleaner they should buy. Regarding the back, the font they are using is very small to fit all the information on the back, but their choice of font and colour can make it hard to follow. This makes the overall label feel subpar, but the overall product isn’t intended to feel like a luxury product but to be a product that tries its best to get your attention, through bold colours and bold fonts which it does effectively.


