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Stephen King book cover design

Book cover design for some of the novella's and novel by Stephen King that I absolutely enjoyed.
Secret Window shows the life of a writer living in a remote cabin after being separated from his wife over cheating. The glasses are the representation of his true self as we encounter the weird event happening in his life and see his emotional response to the events. 

Gerald's Game shows a female protagonist who is trapped between past and present emotionally as well as physically trapped in a remote house. The entire movie is her recalling her disturbing memories and connecting it to the kind of person she has become. She is like a mouse trapped between the patriarchal figures in her family. 

The body is a journey of 4 boys to find a dead body in the woods. The shoes represent the fragility of life and what remains behind. This is inspired by the pile of shoes during World War II that remained as the people perished during to the holocaust. 
Stephen King book cover design

Stephen King book cover design
