The purpose of the REDUX project was to create way-finding icons that would be easy to understand for customers but still representative of the institution. My institution was a camera store called the Cosmic Camera Store. With that I chose the items: a camera, a backpack, and a film canister. I started with taking pictures of the object, then I sketched them by hand, and then I moved it to Illustrator where I collapsed each item down to their essential shapes. 
After taking pictures of the items that I had, I sketched them as best as I could by hand. Then they evolved more as I continued to iterate on them. Here, you'll see the process of how this happened. 
Since the name of my institution was the Cosmic Camera Store, I decided to pick colors that would be representative of the cosmos, which are: purple, pink, and white. Along with typefaces, Something bold and easy to read was my top priority when choosing a font. 
In conclusion, I really appreciated this project. I think that it helped me step out of my comfort zone with the approach. I'm not used to planning everything out; I just go head first into everything. I liked the process of thoroughly thinking and slowing down. I personally really liked the process of reducing items down to their essential components because it was interesting to see just how far you could go before it becomes incomprehensible. 



Creative Fields