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Journey into subconscious. Tarot Cards. Part 2.

I have drawn my first set of 5 tarot cards a year ago. And now I have drawn 6 more pieces.
At the end you will find symbols and images that I used.
All cards were drawn in mixed media.
Photo and close-up of some details.
Here are sketch and scan without golden leaf.
Below there will be a description of the symbols used in the cards.
The first Tarot card in my new cycle of works is the High Priestess.
For me, it has always been and remains one, if not the most mysterious arcana.
Priestess is about a subtle feeling of people and objects around, this is an excellent intuition. Intuition is perceived by some people as somehow "shamanistic", improbable, something akin to magic. In fact, intuition works through our emotional life experience.
I wanted to give meaning to this card as a combination of the conscious and the unconscious.
I'll describe my symbolism:
On my card there is a girl in a robe with a hood on her head (4), which speaks of the purity and purity of our unconscious. We should allow ourselves to think in such a way that our unconscious always knows what is important and best for us.
Water under her feet is a stream of consciousness.
The dress (unconscious) comes into contact with water, and we see in the water (consciousness) its reflection (9): we can only partially track our unconscious reactions.
Lotuses on the sides of the girl and a lotus leaf (1) on which she sits - the desire for self-improvement, flowers open their petals on the way to the sun (knowledge).
Behind the girl is the moon (3), as another sign of intuition. The moon also signifies the feminine nature. Still, this is a female card, it is often difficult for men to turn off logic and listen to themselves. A snake biting its own tail (2) denotes infinity and that one process is interconnected with another (unconscious and conscious).
The girl holds a shining ball (7) in her hands - knowledge is like a clot of some energy: she understands that in fact you can turn off logic and make decisions intuitively. We can continue to live, leaving only the unconscious, but never the other way around. Knowledge consists in the fact that we independently determine for ourselves how to harmoniously combine these two things in our head (yin-yang symbol (5)).
The crown in the form of horns (6) was taken for the sake of the image, from the classic decks. In my case, it symbolizes the duality of our thinking, which I described above.
Every card has a negative meaning. Here these are such signs: submission only to the unconscious, lack of logic, passivity, secrets, hidden meaning where it is not needed, hysteria, lack of intuition, coldness, detachment, unwillingness to delve into the causes of what is happening.
On this card, the meaning is quite obvious and similar to the classical interpretation.
A beautiful woman sits on a throne wearing a crown on her head (5). In her possession - the material world, life, economy. Everything flourishes in her fertile gardens (2). She governs gently, without coercion, that even the birds and beasts (6) are voluntarily in her power. The woman is expecting a baby (8), which speaks of nascent plans, a new business. This is a card of beauty and stability. Peaches (1) - as a symbol of eternal renewal, is located to the left of the woman. Ripe pumpkins on the right (7) say that the fruits can already be harvested, no one will hungry. Chrysanthemums (3) grow under the feet of The woman - as a symbol of abundance, femininity, fidelity. The lake also adds feminine energy (4).
The negative meaning of the card: excessive attention to the material world, to one's own person, decline in creative powers, material difficulties, a powerful woman, unwillingness to lead a life.
The Emperor.
The man sits on the throne (1), which indicates his high social position (the man sits above the symbolic mountains and on a pedestal (4,5). He is quite calm, because at this time he no longer has to win anything. All that is needed is he already has (a canvas with a map behind his back (6)).But at any moment he can go to action and get what he wants: a sword over his head (1).The character is powerful, and his power is tougher than that of the Empress. Also this card is colder. The person is a good strategist and tactician, considers decisions in terms of profit. This card is of masculinity (red robe (3), tusks on the sides (5), mountains underfoot (4)), but at the same time, the card can indicate a lack of movement, there is a risk of staying in this place for a long time: to stop at what has been achieved and not move forward, or just do what to make plans for the future. In a good sense, this is that there is a solid foundation under your feet (8), social status, financial situation may be higher than most (2). The man is protected from fluctuations from the outside (armor (7)). Control over the situation and emotions.
Also, this card may indicate that a person / in any situation has strict rules or regulations. A person has his own clear position and opinion.
In the red: limited action, lack of control, tyranny, suppression, unwillingness to develop, lack of common sense, weak will, unfulfilled or unfounded ambitions, desire for power, denial of authority, conflict.
I named the next card "Spiritual Mentor" because it is impossible to apply the classic name "Hierophant" to it.
In my interpretation, I depicted a statue carved into the rock (3). The statue is a temple (5) that is not easily accessible (high, many steps). Despite this, people go through this path (6) with the aim of familiarizing themselves with spiritual, true knowledge, for purification. Till people go through their own difficult path, they acquire part of the knowledge on their own in the process of life.
And the mentor here plays the role of a vector that guides people. Each person in the crowd on the card has chosen his path consciously, and without coercion wants to know the truth. In my opinion, it is important that faith does not interfere and does not distort a person's ideas about himself and the world. Also I think that we need than our faith and religion wouldn't just a tradition that introduces one or another social community, but was a conscious path of a person. That's what my card is about.
Lotuses (2) in this card speak of the desire for knowledge. Knowledge is implied here in spiritual development, high morality (4) (golden temple), the value of one's own choice. And in order to comprehend this, first of all, you need to remove the background noise and calm your mind (ornament symbolizing the rosary (1)).
In a negative way: being wrong, the absence of the spiritual in a person, or vice versa, a departure from the material to spiritual practices, suggestibility, the ego state of an "adult" who knows better how to live, stubbornness, advice without demand, a sacrificial position, or a desire for something no one could save the "victim", a disservice, false teachings, lack of one's own opinion.
The Star.
The card of hope, aspiration, desire - this is about the major arcana of the tarot "star".
I depicted the star as a "phantom girl" (4), that is, she is not yet real. This is what we strive for, what we want to become. But at the same time, the card feeds us: water (2) flows from the hands of the girl into the lake and onto the ground.
Those are not groundless hopes, this is motivation for action. Like a beam of light, a spotlight in the dark, like an insight that came when we needed it. Insight is not about something spontaneous, miraculous insight, not supported by anything. The emergence of insight is facilitated by deep inner work associated with an understanding (perhaps intuitively) of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns of events and states.
Therefore, I also attach importance to this card to the joy of fulfilling a desire. The desire is not fulfilled by itself, but as a person's awareness of the path along which one should go towards the fulfillment of one's dream / goal. This is not a momentary whimsical desire that people lose interest in as soon as it is fulfilled. When fulfilled, it enters a person's life for a long time.
The card also reflects that a person can influence his environment by his example, and encourage others to act (fish in the lake (3)). A flower that grows in moist soil, calendula (5) is known for its healing properties. I portrayed it as a symbol of resilience and longevity: this is what high goals and the understanding that a person is able to cope with the tasks that arise before him lead to. A blossoming apple tree (1) is depicted here as a symbol of the youth of the soul - receptivity to the new.
In the negative: lost chances, cherishing hope, disbelief in one's strength, passivity, bad idea, high self-esteem, self-deception.
The Moon.
A completely ambiguous card, very mysterious and mysterious, fabulous. I depicted a creature (3), determined by us as a person by clothes, walking along the road (9).
Moonlight falls on the road (1) - a symbol of confusion, the unknown, hidden, obscure. Ahead is a road, the outcome of which is not visible. Or maybe a person does not go along this road, but stands motionless in fear and does not move.
And is it a human? We do not understand the nature of this creature: we see tentacles (4) - we assume that this is a werewolf, we are scared, we do not see the true face.
When did he change? Or is it just our imagination? Or is it just the masquerade to which this person is going?
Hands reach out to him (5), which they want to pull back, outside the card. If they reach out, then a person will never reach the end at all. Another obstacle is swampy terrain (8): turning off the road there is an opportunity to disappear,
dissolving in the environment.
Mermaid (7) sitting on the branches of wisteria (6) (another symbol of femininity, the first is the moon) - refers us to the Yin meaning of the card. It is present here as an element that distracts the traveler, or as another way to prevent reaching the end of the path.
But there are positive aspects in this card: a person has a torch (10) in his hand, with which he can light his way in the dark, or he can brush off monsters. It’s just that in this case, you need to make more efforts than ever so as not to fall into the swamp of your illusions and fears. You need to find the strength inside to get at least to the searchlights of one of the towers (2). And probably there, having gone through such a difficult path, a person will gain a new understanding of reality for himself, will become who he really is, and will not need to hide.
In a positive way, this card can also mean the deepest intuition up to extrasensory perception.
Journey into subconscious. Tarot Cards. Part 2.

Journey into subconscious. Tarot Cards. Part 2.
