ANNIE LACAP's profile

The magic of Motion Graphics

Designing Information - Birthday Sharing Probability
Creating this art board was my favorite project. I really enjoyed being able to design more and telling our own story with information. Telling a story in motion was fun, I never really realized all the different things we could do to make it come to life while having certain information be told. Designing the graphs was fun and will be something I definitely use again in the future. Applying different techniques to the timing of speaking was a little challenging for me because it was fast, so I couldn't do some of the things I had in mind to do.
The Bicycle - Animation Rotation in Motion 
The animated bicycle was probably the easiest for me, simple but yet so complex in learning the concept of layers, rotation and animation. Using parent Although this project used basic shapes and simple lines, it was fun being able to make them all work together and rotate while moving forward across the screen. Using parent layers to connect the different moving parts to each other got a little confusing at first, but once it worked right it was amazing to see what it does and how it works together. Being able to PreComp is a cool feature, I think I liked it most because it gives sense of organization to the project. 
Guitar Ad - Les Paul Vintage Piece
Working on this project was fun, the idea of 3D in After Effects brings a whole new concept to the things you can do with this program. Taking two-dimensional layers and moving them around in z-space really brings a lot more capability to designing. I enjoyed learning how to use camera tracking and have text move to the movement of the camera. One thing I had trouble with again is speed of things staying on screen. I always find it hard to keep text on a screen long enough for it to be read or visible long enough or in a good manner. 
VFX Sequence - The Power of Magic
This project was definitely more complex for me, I had a hard time getting the different techniques to work properly on my computer. I think the hardest part for me was all the tracking of the motion. I felt like I was taking the proper steps that I needed to do the motion tracking, but it was still not working. My favorite part of this assignment was staging, I enjoyed placing the clip and effects that were provided into the composition and making a story out of the different images. I definitely felt the lack of a good computer during the process of this project. Rotoscoping and tracking take a lot of work, getting all the wiggling and roto lines to look clean and track properly takes a lot of trial and error. 
The magic of Motion Graphics

The magic of Motion Graphics
