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Commercial Credit Checker

Commercial lending is a process that is fraught with difficulties. Lenders must make several decisions to determine if a business is worthy of a loan. These decisions are not always easy to make and can often be influenced by several factors. It takes months to decide whether to approve or reject the request. Customers' dissatisfaction grows as a result. The manual credit reporting process, on the other hand, is complicated because it requires multiple human interventions, stacks of paperwork, and a lot of calculations. As a result, the cycle time increases, as do the efforts and budget.
To address these issues, Cloud Maven, Inc., a Salesforce certified ISV partner and recipient of the Salesforce partner innovation award 2021, has created Commercial Credit Checker, an innovative lending solution. It automatically reduces effort while providing efficient and accurate business credit reports from Equifax, Experian, and PayNet in seconds. It supports real-time business credit reports on over 365 million active businesses from 62 countries.
Commercial Credit Checker combines credit, fraud, and compliance checks with company background data in a single report to provide a complete picture of the profile. The application also provides s DataMerch reports to help you easily access the history of a merchant’s business. The application is easy to use and can be incorporated into your existing workflow as an API form. The app is available on Salesforce AppExchange.
To get a 30-days free trial, reach out to
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Commercial Credit Checker


Commercial Credit Checker
