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17th Century Business Meets 21st Century Style

17th Century Business Meets 21st Century Style
Lock & Co Hatters Re-Brand
One of the unique selling features of Lock & Co Hatters is that the company was established in 1676 and the location at 6 St. James’s Street has been a staple of life in London for almost 350 years. This worked in my favor as the brand recognition and reputation were already high. I refreshed the company’s brand presence and created a logo that can be used for digital and print marketing, as well as refreshed location signage.  

Final Logo Design

Alternate Design 
The original logo was crowded and difficult to read. I refreshed the typography, increased its size and gave it room to breathe. I chose muted, sophisticated colors to match the company's reputation and bring them into the modern era. 
17th Century Business Meets 21st Century Style

17th Century Business Meets 21st Century Style
