Jack 0:00
Hi everyone, I'm Jack from Jack's English.
Luke 0:16
And I'm Luke from learn English like a pro. And this is our very first episode of
our new podcast. This podcast is designed to help you improve your listening
through our natural discussions.
Jack 0:30
Yup, and today we're going to talk about eating habits.
Luke 0:33
Yes. Right.
Jack 0:34
which I think is something that we can all understand and talk about. It's very
Luke 0:39
So he's sticking out.
Jack 0:40
Yes. Right. So I think that's the best place to start is with bad habits.
Luke 0:53
Jack 0:54
So how about you, Luke? Do you have any bad habits?
Luke 0:56
I think I'm perfect. No joke. I have. Yeah, of course. Everyone has bad habits. You
know, when Susie you asked me that question, the first thing came to mind was
Jack 1:07
Luke 1:07
Pizza and any, any bread. Like, I can just binge eat on pizza and bread like this
all day long. And it's obviously really high in carbohydrates.
Jack 1:18
Luke 1:18
Probably high in salt makes you fat makes you tired is bad for most things.
Jack 1:24
Luke 1:24
Just tastes good.
Jack 1:25
Yes. What kind of pizza do you like?
Luke 1:28
Hawaiian pizza.
Jack 1:29
Oh, no, no. Pizza
Luke 1:32
I love it.
Jack 1:33
Oh, really? Yeah, that's a big dividing pizza, isn't it? Some people love it. Some
people hate.
Luke 1:39
Yeah, l think having a bit of pineapple on pizza on a burger makes everything
better. It's so good.
Jack 1:45
Yes. Well, for me, I think probably my biggest my worst eating habit Is that I
snack while I'm watching movies particularly.
Luke 1:56
Jack 1:56
So I like to graze on sort of chicken, some delivery chicken. Popcorn. Of course. I
love to graze.
Luke 2:06
Jack 2:06
So you know, I'll be watching that movie and my hand will just keep moving. And I
think when you eat like that, you end up eating so much.
Luke 2:14
Jack 2:15
And it's you know, a movie is two hours long.
Luke 2:17
And you can get through a huge bucket of popcorn in a two hour movie.
Jack 2:20
Sure. Yeah.
Luke 2:22
Easy peasy.
Jack 2:22
So I'd say that's my worst eating habits.
Luke 2:25
Jack 2:25
I think I'm a little like you as well. You know, I tend to eat too many things like
pizzas and bread. There's some pretty good bread and career isn't?
Luke 2:34
Yes, totally. Actually. Yeah. So for those who don't know, we live in Seoul.
Jack 2:38
Luke 2:39
And Seoul has become kind of a western city in a way short term, especially in
terms of food. And there are so many local bakeries in like every little area,
there's like four or five little bakeries, and they have like, their wholemeal
bread. They also have their cheese bread. They're they're kind of a raisins. It's
not that unhealthy. But the thing is, you just eat too much.
Jack 3:03
Yes, that's the problem.
Luke 3:04
Yeah. Yeah.
Jack 3:05
And it's taking a lot of room that you should be using for things like fruit and
Luke 3:10
Right, exactly. I'm not sure about you. But when I like I have a tough day at work.
I feel a little bit tired.
Jack 3:15
Luke 3:15
The food the only thing I want really is pizza.
Jack 3:18
Oh, really?
Luke 3:18
That's like, that's something I need to cut out of my life is like coming home
sleepy ordering the pizza.
Jack 3:23
Yes. Yeah. For me, it's the spicy chicken. And I thought that was kind of okay, but
a lot of my friends say a lot of spicy food is not good for you.
Luke 3:34
Jack 3:35
Have you heard this animal?
Luke 3:36
Why is that?
Jack 3:36
Why that's what I want to know. Because I love spicy food. But I've heard it's not
good for you. It's not good for your stomach. And I don't know so perhaps I should
cut down my spicy food.
Luke 3:47
Yeah, totally. Yeah, I actually if I mean we we'd go spicy food together, don't we?
Jack 3:53
Yes, we do. We like hot spicy sauce.
Luke 3:55
It just tastes it's so it's so good.
Jack 3:57
Luke 3:57
But it is. I do feel a little bit kind of always thirsty after having like, really
spicy foods. I must have enough salt in it.
Jack 4:04
Yes. I think
Luke 4:04
maybe that's why.
Jack 4:05
Yeah. So how about some good things and let's talk about our good eating habits
Luke 4:17
Jack 4:17
Do you have any good eating habits?
Luke 4:19
Yeah, I think so. So apart from having a pizza. Every now and again and some some
bratty snacks I, I do. I do tend to have a good breakfast. And I think that's key.
So I always have a huge bowl of oatmeal.
Jack 4:33
Luke 4:34
with lots of fruit. And a big handful of nuts too. So like almonds or pistachios
and so on. I think uh, personally, I think that's it's really important for me.
Jack 4:46
You think breakfast is good for you.
Luke 4:47
Yeah, yeah, for me. I need it for sure. I feel just completely exhausted by 10
o'clock in the morning if I don't have breakfast, but my brother actually he lost
or recently he was abused. Bit of a weight. He lost four stone.
Jack 5:02
Luke 5:03
So that is about 20 20 kilos or 45 pounds. You lost that in four months. And his
trick was not having breakfast, having salads for lunch. That's it, and then
anything he wants to do for dinner, so
Jack 5:03
Anything you want
Luke 5:14
anything, anything. Yeah.
Jack 5:18
Luke 5:19
So actually,
Jack 5:20
How did he feel skipping breakfast? He's still low energy.
Luke 5:24
He said he was fine. I couldn't do that. I need my big breakfast.
Jack 5:28
Yeah, I think so.
Luke 5:29
Yeah. So anyway, that's my good habit. How about you?
Jack 5:32
Yeah, well, I'm the same as you. I like my big breakfast.
Luke 5:34
Jack 5:34
lots of protein and stuff for breakfast. I think that's important. And I think I'm
quite good at avoiding cravings. And to be honest, I don't really have cravings. So
obviously, cravings are you know, these things that we really want to eat? And some
people can't resist them, right? They have to have it. So my wife, for example,
normally late night has a craving for spicy noodles, and she will never resist.
She'll go straight to the kitchen and cook some noodles. But for me, you know, I
think I'm quite happy with the regular lunch and a dinner and I don't really, you
know, snack in between. Except, as I said before, when I'm watching a movie,
Luke 6:15
yeah, yeah, I'm similar. I used to eat a lot of chocolate. But then I had some
problems with my teeth. So the dentist told me basically to cut out all chocolate.
Jack 6:27
Luke 6:27
So I did actually last couple of years ago. I cut all my chocolate but um, yeah, I
didn't use a snack. i Sorry, I don't snack now. But I used to snack quite a lot.
Jack 6:36
Luke 6:37
Jack 6:37
Well, snacking is a very bad habit, isn't it?
Luke 6:39
I think so. Yeah.
Jack 6:40
And another easy one is fizzy drinks sodas, right?
Luke 6:44
Yes, exactly. You know, I again, I cut out all fizzy drinks or soda or Coke or
lemonades cut them out totally on purpose about five years ago.
Jack 6:55
Luke 6:55
So I again, I used to crave coke. Every meal. Got to have a bottle of Coke.
Jack 7:00
Luke 7:00
Can of Coke or glass or anything? I got to have some
Jack 7:03
Luke 7:04
But now I just stopped.
Jack 7:05
Did you feel any difference after giving up coke?
Luke 7:10
Nothing I couldn't really think about but yeah, I mean, probably. Yeah.
Jack 7:15
Luke 7:15
I mean, I think it's well known that fizzy drinks are just awful.
Jack 7:19
Yeah, they're very bad. And it's so easy to consume.
Luke 7:22
Yeah, right. Right.
Jack 7:23
Did you have any kind of withdrawal from stopping you know, some symptoms? You
know, for example, for me, I gave up coffee. And for the first week and a half or
two weeks, I had a very bad day.
Luke 7:37
No, I didn't feel anything like that. But I love coffee.
Jack 7:41
Luke 7:42
I can only imagine if I ever gave up coffee. I would have the worst headaches.
Jack 7:46
Yes. While I went straight back to coffee. So. Yeah,
Luke 7:51
yeah, right.
Jack 7:52
Now the good habits that you have.
Luke 7:54
Yeah, sure. So I'm married now. I got married a year ago. And you know, since I've
been living with my wife, we do eat in a lot.
Jack 8:02
Oh, good
Luke 8:03
So eat at home. We cook healthy food, lots of fresh vegetables, nice meat. So that
I think that's a good habit. That's something that's new to my life. When I was
single or unmarried. I went out I ate out a lot.
Jack 8:15
That's a problem. Isn't it financially as well?
Luke 8:18
Yeah. No. spend so much money?
Jack 8:20
Yes. I think I'm the same as you in that respect. Now that I've, I eat in and we do
a lot of meal prep. Have you seen this meal prep before?
Luke 8:30
Though you prepare five meals on a Sunday night.
Jack 8:33
Exactly. Yeah. So my wife and I, we we sort of put aside two or three hours in the
kitchen. And we have to prepare normally prepare six, seven or eight lunch boxes
for the week.
Luke 8:44
Jack 8:45
And that keeps us you know, eating good meals.
Luke 8:48
How do you organized? That must be challenging.
Jack 8:50
Yeah. You just have to buy in bulk.
Luke 8:52
Jack 8:53
Decide on your main meals of the week and do a lot of cooking a lot of preparation.
Luke 8:58
How long does it take you on it? Do you cook it on Sunday?
Jack 9:00
Yeah, we do it on a Sunday. So yeah, two or three hours.
Luke 9:02
Jack 9:03
Realistically, I'd say about three hours.
Luke 9:05
So a lot. But you know, overall, I think you probably save time.
Jack 9:09
Save time in the week?
Luke 9:10
in the week. Yeah.
Jack 9:11
Yeah. Because that's very convenient.
Luke 9:13
That takes a lot of diligence.
Jack 9:14
Yes. Yeah. Because it's not easy on a Sunday. I want to relax.
Luke 9:19
Jack 9:20
So why don't we talk about the difference between obviously we often Britain
Luke 9:25
Jack 9:25
And now we're living in South Korea. As you said we live in Seoul. Have you noticed
any differences between Britain and South Korea in terms of eating habits.
Luke 9:33
Oh god, I think personally, I think the, you know, type of eating or sorry, the
eating habits that Koreans in the UK people have just so so different. So firstly,
Korean people love their spicy food.
Jack 9:53
Luke 9:54
Jack 9:54
Yes, they do.
Luke 9:55
love this spicy food. That can be spicy noodles, spicy chickens. Spicy pizza.
Jack 10:00
Luke 10:01
Any spicy fish, you name it. So, in the UK we don't tend to eat spicy food very
often most people at least,
Jack 10:09
Luke 10:10
I've never spicy curry maybe.
Jack 10:11
Luke 10:12
It's mostly we don't eat spicy food.
Jack 10:13
You're right.
Luke 10:14
so I think that's that's probably the biggest difference.
Jack 10:17
The food is quite bland in the UK isn't it?
Luke 10:19
Yeah, yeah
Jack 10:20
on the whole
Luke 10:21
on the whole Yeah.
Jack 10:22
And then in in Korea of course it is very spicy and salty,rich
Luke 10:26
A lot of flavors in Korea.
Jack 10:28
Yeah. So how did you find it when you first came to Korea? Was it easy to adapt? Or
do you have to take some time?
Luke 10:35
No. Yeah, definitely. It was not easy at all actually. So I was really young. I was
just 20 22 When I first got
Jack 10:35
Luke 10:35
And yeah, not really used to like global foods.
Jack 10:35
Luke 10:38
So like, yeah, it was hard. It was hard and I couldn't use chopsticks very well.
Jack 10:50
Luke 10:51
I wasn't used to spicy food. I wasn't used to like this, these new vegetables and
this new new style of cuisine is how I lost a lot of weight. Actually, I was gonna
say first six months, I think I probably lost eight or nine kilograms.
Jack 11:04
Luke 11:05
Not by just not by trying just because I wasn't used to the food. I wasn't eating
as much.
Jack 11:09
So I suppose we could say that's a good diet method is come to Korea and have this
strong spicy food. Yeah, that's a lot of weight, isn't it?
Luke 11:18
Jack 11:18
Put it back on.
Luke 11:19
Yeah, no, I have. Yes. Yeah, I can tell ya. It took it took a couple of years
Jack 11:24
Luke 11:25
Taken me a while to get used to.
Jack 11:26
Luke 11:27
How about you?
Jack 11:28
Well, I had the same as you. And yeah, I agree with you. I think there are some
really big differences between the UK and Korea in terms of eating habits.
Luke 11:36
Jack 11:36
One of the things I noticed in Korea was the late night snacks.
Luke 11:41
Jack 11:41
So it's kind of connected to what we were talking about before you know, these
Luke 11:46
Jack 11:46
But I think a lot of Korean people, it's almost part of the culture. Is that late
night you go to the kitchen and you cook some noodles.
Cook they binge on?
Luke 11:51
it is.
Jack 11:58
Luke 11:59
As a family. they'll cook five or six packets.
Jack 12:02
Luke 12:02
Different ones. spicy ones, like black sauce ones and
Jack 12:05
Luke 12:06
Binge On noodles while watching a bit of comedy or
Jack 12:08
huge amount at late at night.
Luke 12:10
Yeah, like 11 o'clock.
Jack 12:12
I couldn't sleep. Have you ever done that yourself? Have you ever been just on
something late at night?
Luke 12:18
Not really. No, to be honest, I'm not really a foodie. I've never really been a big
eater. I can I love my drinks. So I like I like my coffee. I like my tea.
Jack 12:29
Luke 12:30
I like my beer, wine and these type of drinks. I really I really crave that
sometimes Boca not not food so much.
Jack 12:40
Yes. Another thing that comes to my mind now is the difference between eating in
and eating out. And
Luke 12:47
oh, yeah.
Jack 12:48
I think as you said earlier, or in Korea, there's definitely a culture of eating
out. Isn't that?
Luke 12:53
I think so. Just the convenience.
Jack 12:56
It is very convenient. relatively cheap.
Luke 12:58
Jack 12:59
Compared to Britain.
Luke 13:00
Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. I'm not sure about where you live. But in my area,
there are, Gosh, 10 restaurants within a five minute walking distance. And they're
all good.
Jack 13:10
Luke 13:10
it's Chinese food. There's barbecue chicken. There's some Korean kind of local food
Jack 13:15
and quite reasonably priced
Luke 13:18
Reasonable for Yeah, totally. Yeah. So it's funny because in Korea, the fresh food
you buy in a supermarket or in the markets are pretty expensive.
Jack 13:27
Luke 13:27
Like the vegetables. The fruits. quite quiet.
Jack 13:31
Very expensive. Yeah.
Luke 13:31
However, restaurants are still quite cheap.
Jack 13:33
Yes, it is odd. It's an odd balance, isn't it?
Luke 13:35
Yeah. Whereas in the UK, the food itself in the supermarkets really reasonable, I
think but then restaurants are kind of expensive, right?
Jack 13:45
Yeah, I think that's a difference as well as in in, in Britain, going to a
restaurant is an occasion.
Luke 13:51
That's true.
Jack 13:52
It's something you know, you maybe do it on a Friday, or for a special occasion.
Whereas in Korea, it's just, you know, should we go out and get
Luke 14:01
I know,
Jack 14:01
Should we eat in or should we eat out? Yeah, it's a 5050 thing.
Luke 14:04
I think I probably eat out three days a week here.
Jack 14:08
Three days,
Luke 14:09
Maybe even four?
Jack 14:10
Yeah, I don't know for me nowadays, because of course we do that meal prep. So it's
a lot less so I'd say yeah. Perhaps once or twice at the moment.
Luke 14:18
Jack 14:19
But not a good habit financially. And
Luke 14:22
Jack 14:22
The health as well.
Luke 14:23
It can be tasty.
Jack 14:25
Yes. Yes, of course.
Luke 14:26
Jack 14:27
Well, that was a great chat.
Luke 14:28
Jack 14:29
Eating habits.
Luke 14:30
Jack 14:30
So that's our first podcast. I hope you enjoyed it.
Luke 14:34
Great. And if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below in the
comment area. And we will definitely respond.
Jack 14:41
Luke 14:42
And we'll see you next week.
Jack 14:43
Yep. We'll be back very soon. I hope you have a good week and see you soon.




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