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The Addams Family: Reimagining Narratives

For this assignment, we were required to reimagine existing fairytales or stories that already exist and change their context. We could change the time, ethnicity, gender, and place. For Addams Family, particularly, I decided to change the place and ethnicity of the characters and see how that would affect the narrative. I tried to reimagine The Addams as a modern-day, elite Pakistani Lahori Family.
When cartoonist Charles Addams created the fictional family in 1938, he dreamed them up as a “satirical inversion” of the ideal American household. A wealthy clan living in a big, dark, gothic house, they are obsessed with all things macabre. Translating an inversion of the American Family to the inversion of a Pakistani family in modern-day was a challenging task. I started by listing the existing visual cues of the story and transforming them into a Pakistani version.
Final Works
Research and Iterations
The Addams Family: Reimagining Narratives


The Addams Family: Reimagining Narratives
