This is a picture I took of a leaf in Mt. Rainier National Park, Longmire. I thought that it showed some beautiful color, which contrasted nicely agains most of the snow and I really loved the pattern on the leaf and the beautiful dew drops. 
I took this picture of my son, out in Seymour, Indiana. The dandelions down there were HUGE and as you can see by the vein popping out of the side neck, he was trying REALLY hard to blow it away. I used this picture to represent Orange, becuase of how bright and vibrant the orange of his shirt was.
This is another one I took of my son. It was taken at Salisbury State Park around Kingsland, Washington. He was having so much fun playing around on the equipment, I just had to catch a quick moment of  it. I decided to use the siding of the playground equipment to represent red_orange.
I took this photo of my daughter at Salisbury State Park and did it specifically for this particular school assignment. I purposely chose the rose to represent red. I love this picture because the red of the rose gives the picture a sort of poetic feel to it, but the look on my daughter's face makes it sort of sad.
This is yet another picture of my daughter (I tend to use my kids quite often for school projects), that was taken along the beach at the waterfront park in Port Orchard, Washington. I chose this picture to represent Red_Violet, due to the vibrant color of her vest.
This picture was taken at Salisbury State Park. My daughter had decided to climb one of the trees there and take a nap. Tihs is the picture I chose to represent Violet, because she was wearing so much of it that day and also because I thought it was kind of funny, that of all places, she decided to nap here!
This photo was taken at a local cemetary here in Port Orchard, Washington. I orginally took this picture for my Image Manipulation class, to show my representation of a "bridge". However, and even though it's not much, I really liked the idea of the little flowers that she's holding being the only item in the picture to have any color. So this is the one I used to represent violet_blue.
Again, this is a portrait I took of my daughter at the beach of the Port Orchard Park, and another one I took specifically for this project. I decided to change the color of the roses to blue, due to my experiences in Naples, Italy and most of the roses that were sold on the streets were blue. I was told that this was because of the high sulfur content in the soil due to Mt. Vesuvius. To me, they are gorgeous and actually my favorite flower.
This is yet another photograph that I took for a different class. It was originally shot at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, Washington for my lighting class. It was supposed to show naturally diffused lighting. I chose to use these flowers as the picture was already in black and white and decided to change the color of the flowers to represent blue_green.
Yet another picture of my daugher. This was taken in Seymour, Indiana at a local park. She was playing with a wooden sword my dad had made for her and just overall having fun. I chose to use this picture to represent green, due to the bright color of her shirt. In case you haven't notice, my kids are products of having lived in FLorida for so long and LOVE to wear the loud, bright, neon colors.
I took this upclose picture of a pine-tree needle that had dew drops, dripping from it, at Mt. Rainier Naitonal Park, Longmire. I was there hiking with my kids and wanted to try out my new macro lense. It was perfect for getting this shot, which I absolutely love. I love the intricasies of the pine needles and the beautiful way the drops are just hanging, as well as the upside reflections in the drops. I used this picture ro represent green_yellow.
I took this picture of one of my cousin's little boys over the summer in Muncie, Indiana. I love this picture because this adorable little guy was so happy playing with this gate and had the most precious laugh you could ever imagine. I love the beautiful smile on his face and decided to use this to represent yellow because of how beautifully the color of his shirt compliments his skin tone. I did pull the saturation up a bit, as the shirt is badly faded, but overall I like the way this turned out.
The Color Wheel

The Color Wheel

This is a project I did for my Digital Color Theory Class. The purpose of the project was to take 12 different photographs, of each color on the Read More
