Tiles VFX
This project intends to explore the visual aesthetic-only effects from oscillating tiles as part of the architecture, and to find a better optimization algorithm than the one applied in WhiteSineCity project.
- The GIF on the left shows a set of tiles without the optimization technique. The video  below demonstrates the loss of frame rate
- The middle GIF shows an incomplete optimization technique, aiming at reduction of active tile actors. The video below demonstrates recovery of frame rate
- The GIF on the right shows a wall that opens for the player, using Niagara Particle System
- The real challenge with my brute force algorithm was to optimize the tile area in between two players. I used recursion to store the relevant tile data and ended up reducing the frame rate because of recursion, which is kind of funny.
- Therefore, I arrived at Niagara Particle System to proceed with the kind of tiles effect that I want on a larger scale. With Niagara, one big particle system is considered just one actor that spawns and governs instances of multiple actors


