You are mistaken, these are not the chemical elements of the periodic table, this is the logo of my favorite opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "The Magic Flute"))
As far as I know, no one ever created the opera logo.
We went with this project to the Kharkiv Opera and were already preparing for the production, but all plans were destroyed by the aggression of the orcs from Russia.
I present here my sketches for a performance that has not yet taken place, but which I really want to do ...
With your permission, I will not retell the script of this immortal opera, Google will help you )) Let me just say that in this scene the Dragon attacks Prince Tomino. Technically, the Dragon is assembled from "Chinese lanterns", into which it will fall apart at the right time.
And this is Prince Tomino himself. We thought it was fun to make him a trendy youngster and give him a touch of South Korean pop culture.
The second main character of the play is Princess Pamina. We made her a typical Harajuku Girls - a representative of Japanese youth subcultures.
Papageno is my favorite character in this story. In traditional productions of the opera, he is an ornithologist, I decided to make him an IT specialist and hunter of wild drones without pilots )
I've been looking for the image of the Queen of the Night for a long time...
I understood that this is a very powerful, charismatic character, but I lacked what we call fashion in her.
This image was born in the most chic, in my opinion, women's costume - a riding suit.
Thus, in a bright beam of cold light, I saw the first appearance on the stage of the Queen of the Night.
In the style of their mistress, the images of three ladies - companions of the Queen of the Night are solved.
Antipode of the Queen of the Night - wizard Sarastro
The appearance of Sarastro before his disciples takes place in a ray of light as warm as the Sun.
Monostatos is the main villain in this story, but I decided to make it luxurious, but without good taste, mafia.
These "Harry Potters" are actually the Three Geniuses who help the main characters of the story.
We decided that in the process of transformations and the influence of other characters on the main characters, the prince and princess became the most ordinary, unremarkable people without quirks and eccentricities. That's what all these queens and wizards have achieved. Something like this... )
...But in the end, the final should look enchanting!
These are kurogo - the characters that I dragged into our performance from the traditional Japanese Kabuki theater. The viewer does not see them "by default", and they can completely change the look of the scene, achieving the effect of magic right before your eyes )
I want to believe that this project will still be able to be realized and shown to the viewer. And Mozart's music is a separate great pleasure. Just listen to the first and second arias of the Queen of the Night. Preferably performed by Diana Damrau, but this is not necessary ;)
Mozart. Magical flute.


Mozart. Magical flute.
