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「Journey」2021 autumn and winter fashion show

Papershines the Eastern beauty, creates a new Journey
The universe  / The origin of life 
Everything roots in one / The unity of man and nature
Splendid and blooming
On March 25, the Chinese high-end clothing brand "Xiong Ying · Gaia Legend" successfully held the "Journey" 2021 autumn and winter fashion show at the Beijing art landmark 751D·Prak.
Customized by NanPaper Art, the paper art set design perfectly integrates Chinese aesthetics and Western fashion. Taking the contemporary interpretation of Chinese civilization as the grand theme to present an international artistic level fashion show, which has attracted many guests and celebrities from domestic and outboard.
Secretary General of SCO - Mr.Norov and his wife, 
Vice-Chairman of the All-China Women's Federation - Ms. Monman, 
Georgian Ambassador to China - Mr. Kalandiand his wife, 
Counselor of the Japanese Embassy- Mr. Naoto Ito and his wife, 
Cultural Counselor of the Ukrainian Embassy - Mr. Sergei,  
Fashion Queen Su Mang, well-known actress Huang Yi, young artist Li Yugang, actor/singer Xianzi, young actor/singer Fan Shiqi, the new generation actor Wang Herun, singer Jian Hongyi, artist Pu Yixing, etc., 
As well as the cooperation team of Gaia legend Brands have attended the show.
After thousands of years of tempering, the ancient oriental aesthetics has shaped exclusive Chinese aesthetic art. It is exquisite, elegant and luxurious.
We have spread oriental aesthetics to the world many times, but also once lost our cultural language under the immersion of the West.
Like "Xiong Ying · Gaia Legend", NanPaper Art has always insisted on taking the inspiration and creativity from Chinese excellent traditional culture - the renaissance of traditional culture is our mission.
Since a splendid civilization has been created on the earth, we must have a respect to nature, to everything. From the beginning of birth, life has embarked on an endless road - "journey".
Harmony between man and nature

The artistic conception of Chinese culture has transformed into a fashion show with story line. The repeated cycle of life also contains our hope of the revival of traditional culture.
We focused on describing the most primitive and pure side of nature.
Desire to express the original sense of power through natural scenery: land particles, rock textures, vegetation veins, flowers and trees cascading... From the macro to the micro world, every single living nature texture is amazing.
When the models with exquisite costumes pass by, when the rhythm of the horseshoe strikes our hearts, a harmonious state of life is displayed in the space where we yearn for the burst of power.
Cultural symbols
Tai Chi creates Yin-Yang (two polarities), Yin-Yang creates Sixiang (Four Symbols) and Sixiang creates Bagua (eight trigrams).
The Tai Chi stage and the eight groups of seats represents the Qiankun Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram. Twelve animal heads stand in the Yin-Yang space. The dome of the venue is designed as a sundial, which corresponds to the time and space.
The Heavenly Stems are interpreted with modern performances, and the twelve earthly branches are expressed with paper art.
The zodiac, combines natural creatures with cultural godheads, a long-standing cultural symbol.
Along with the stories and legends that passed down for thousands of years, a Chinese culture has been formed, which contains the unique thinking of Chinese people on the relationship between nature, human and social ethics.
To interpret classical aesthetics in a modern way, combining traditional elegance and modern fashion elements, it is a new way to show the charm of oriental culture.

It is not only the exploration of traditional culture, but also the resonance of cultural history in modern art, which provides a wider opportunity for people to explore the culture from different perspectives.

No one can deny that we are deeply attached to oriental aesthetics.
Behind the poetic oriental aesthetics, there are the aesthetics and heritage of China for five thousand years.
Knowing where you come from and where you will go, only by striving for the source of oriental culture can we discover a new life of oriental aesthetics.
Today, oriental aesthetics is revealing its charm to a wider world. Many art brands like NanPaper Art, Gaia Legend are keen on bringing oriental aesthetics to the world. Based on the culture that has been accumulated for thousands of years, a new fashion trend will inevitably emerge into the world.

「Journey」2021 autumn and winter fashion show


「Journey」2021 autumn and winter fashion show



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