Thalia Márquez's profile

Absolut Por Puerto Rico | Copywriting & Social Media

Absolut Por Puerto Rico:
During the COVID-19 lockdown on 2020, we had the challenge to announce the arrival of Puerto Rico's very own design of the Absolut Vodka bottle. Can you imagine? Launch a 360 campaign in times were people where afraid to even go to shop groceries? Yeah! It was though and the strategy changed a few times along the way but at the end we exceeded every KPI and it all was a success. 

For this multiple award winning project, I wrote all the textual content of the send out postcards, vouchers, and the landing page created for the said campaign. In addition, I proofread the text of the communications and/or stories of each of the micro-enterprises found there.

Alongside, I was in charge of creating the content calendar for the social media platforms of the brand for this special launch. This included the strategic plan, posts ideas & direction, and captions. While at it, during the filming of a series of interviews that were carried out with several micro-businesses, I had the opportunity to serve as a production assistant.
¡Absolut celebra a Puerto Rico!
¡Únete a nosotros y celebra todo lo que te hace ser un boricua de pura cepa! 
Te presentamos la nueva Edición Limitada de #AbsolutPuertoRico. Con ella honramos el coraje y valentía de los puertorriqueños y le rendimos tributo a su flora, fauna y tradición.
Descubre el significado detrás de la nueva botella #AbsolutPuertoRico Edición Limitada. Visita nuestro sitio web y sé parte de nuestras inciativas #PorPuertoRico.  
Absolut Por Puerto Rico | Copywriting & Social Media


Absolut Por Puerto Rico | Copywriting & Social Media
