Chad Jordan Hilis's profile Website Projects

88Shops Websites HOMEPAGE Screenshot
NOTE: If website changed base on the screenshot that was because of clients wants and taste. Remember the company is still handling the shop I just made it for their clients not for my personal or portfolio to be presented :). And for example you encountered  website problems like undercontructions and domain unavailable, i dont have responsibility about that because of these websites are company owned.
Citi-Carpet - Color Scheme based on LOGO
This website is my first website I made in my intership program to Content Management System (CMS) in one and half day. I am the first intern who handled shop. First I felt nervouse because I didnt know how to used the IDE I just get things familiarized. Another thing with this project was when I passed it to my supervisor I thought she felt disappointed with the output because the text alignments. And she gave me an extension to reorder and that's it. MY FIRST WEBSITE EVER in
**Contents are owned by owner
Lucena Pharma
Website Revision:
Text Content
**Content owned by owner
BNT News
Revised Header based on client suggestion
**Content owned by owner
Wricoh Enterprises
Renewal of website - Converted CMS1 to CMS2
No layout change just converted and improved text alignments
**Content owned by client
Centro Royale
Revision - Change Landing Page, Text Content, Buttons
**Content owned by client
RCDizon Construction - Color Scheme based on the LOGO
Renewal of Shop
**Content owned by client
Canada Visa Specialist - Color Scheme BLUE and RED
New Shop
I came up with the bleding of color red because its too boring when i used red as logo insdicates. Also the pastel color blue for the content attraction.
**Content owned by clients
Impression Music Essemble Website Projects
Published: Website Projects

Internship Project Website


Creative Fields