Delfina Risso's profile

The view from my window

The view from my window


Frente a mi casa había un campito. Allí iba a pasear con mis perros, que todavía estaban vivos.
De chica me subía a un árbol solitario para admirar la vista desde lo alto, pero lo cortaron para construir una casa.
Me gustaba encontrar el camino que se escondía entre los pastos bien altos, solo que ahora es una calle.
Desde que me fui ocurrieron pequeños cambios, esos que nadie notó, pero que de a poco se llevaron una parte de mí.


In front of my house there was a field. There I went for a walk with my dogs, who were still alive.
As a girl I used to climb a lonely tree to admire the view from above, but they cut it down to build a house.

I liked to find the path that was hidden among the tall grasses, only now it is a street.
Since I left, small changes have occurred, those that nobody noticed, but that little by little took away a part of me.

Thank you for reading!

The view from my window


The view from my window
