Adam Miemiec 🇿🇦's profile

Discovery Channel Rebrand

Discovery Channel Rebrand
This 4 week long project was aimed at accomplishing a complete logo rebrand for the Discovery Channel. Through this project, I aimed to design a logo that would work for TV, digital and mobile applications. Through animation, I have created a logo that fits the Discovery ethos of looking professional, sleek, minimal yet still showcasing an element of fun-loving that the Discovery Channel highlights.
Logo Ideation
To begin, I created a series of logo experiments that would look sleek and minimal while showing fun animations. 
Background Sketches
I wanted to base my idea for my animations around a blue-print design. The blue-print conveys the idea of development, learning and discovery and does so in a manner that looks highly professional.

To begin, I began my sketching out blue-print designs in Illustrator
Animated Logos
Building from the previous sketches, I began to animate my logos. The logo is broken down into "Stings". These are individually suited to TV shows that Discovery showcases.

Sting 1: Focusing on Discovery Channels Car shows. Filmed in Cape Town by Adam Miemiec and Tristan Schafer.
Sting 2: Focusing on Discovery Channels Global culture that highlights various cultures and the wonder of these cultures. Filmed in Joburg by Adam Miemiec
Sting 3: Focusing on Discovery Channels urban TV shows. This is stock video licensed from ArtGrid
Sting 4: Focusing on Discovery Channels open water TV shows such as Shark Week and Capsized. Filmed in Cape Town by Adam Miemiec and Tristan Schafer 
Colour Grading
These stings have been expertly colour graded from 8-bit LOG footage to REC.709. Examples are shown
Logo Animations for Ticker Tape
Now Watching: Developed as an easy way to show display information while emphasizing the upcoming show.
Logo Animations for Schedule Fillers
Logo Translation to Mobile Devices
Discovery Channel Rebrand

Discovery Channel Rebrand
