Reusable coffee cup lid
People drink about 500 billion glasses of coffee every day. This is more than 500 billion plastic caps thrown into the trash. In addition to polluting, disposable caps are also inconvenient and do not hold well on cups. They do not protect your hands from the temperature of the coffee cup 
The idea was to design a reusable lid that would hold tight and not cause a mess when the cup falls. In addition, this lid would replace cardboard holders and would allow you to comfortably carry a hot cup in your hands without worrying about its temperature. The silicone lid is easy to fold and fits in the bag without causing problems
The matrix for making the prototype was 3D printed. The mold of the casting was made of gypsum. Platinum-based silicone was used for the prototype
Designed by Ignat Martynov
Reusable cup lid


Reusable cup lid
