Fred Sebastian's profile

{ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Woody }

Oscar season where all eyes are on the famous and infamous walking down the fabled red carpet.
The movies themselves were almost secondary to the drama surrounding Woody Allen.
In the run-up to the awards, one of Woody's children offered a plot twist of the most disturbing kind: sexual abuse at the hands of the diminutive director.  'Foul' screamed Woody's lawyers who threw cold water on any further speculation with 'libel chill' while claiming the incidents were the poetic imaginings of the nefarious Mia Farrow who duped the child.  All the sundry laundry was aired for the public again.
A brush-and-ink drawing I did back in 1997 for the Ottawa Citizen which was a review of Mia Farrow's then autobiography.   While Mia maintained the book was not 'about Woody' the media and public saw the timing and her protestations as disingenuous.  Woody was the 'star' in this seedy plot and I was instructed to depict him for the book review which promised to reveal everything you ever wanted to know about Woody but were afraid to ask. 
For more of my work visit:
{ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Woody }

{ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Woody }

Book Review illustration done in 1997 for Mia Farrow's autobiography


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