Bags Since Goons Album Remix​​​​​​​
*Original Albums (left to right) Big Oceans by Interview & Songs by Orville Stoeber
In this project, we were given two albums at random which we then had to transform into one singular album; accompanied by a tour poster, vinyl hubs, as well as deliverables of our choice. 

A challenge I encountered was how to seamlessly combine both of the albums into something that can be expanded upon with extra deliverables in order to create an engaging and cohesive branding system. After trying out multiple combinations, I saw an opportunity to bridge a connection between both albums. Since the Stoeber album utilized a calligraphic typeface and drawings that have a very humanistic feel to them, and the big oceans front album cover having a pen that is reminiscent of a calligraphy nib, I knew that I could combine both of the albums through the means of calligraphy and a humanism feel. On top of this, in order to further bridge the connection and create an album that meets a modern indie vibe, I carried over the Big Oceans color scheme throughout all of the designs. 
Remixed Album Design
Vinyl Hub Designs
Tour Poster
Merch and Buttons 
Album Remix


Album Remix

Album remix derived from combining two distinct albums.
