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Nine Base Angels Project

Nine Base Angels Character Design Project 
Her name was inspired by my favorite Broadway Musical "Phantom of the Opera" as Christine's the protagonist is called the angel of music. Her whole outfit was based in music aesthetic like her boots pattern are the same as some chords instruments like the violin, her skirt is a piano octave and her pantyhouse and belt are filled with music scores and for her blouse i put the wavy patterns and textures that fits her style perfectly. Her wavy hair is deep black and her mask has a piano pattern with a treble claf on top of it. Her base color is red which gives her a fancy and serious look.
Having the same name as the Greek Godess, Iris is based of the typical French artist stereotype, using a cap and striped themed clothing. His beige blouse is simpler for a better color contrast with the black and white of his pants and with the rainbow mash-up in his hair. His mask is the combination of monochromatic and colorful at the same time! He has a mysterious personality but he's a really nice person. His job is to give color everywhere around the world like flowers, natural phenomenon and animals colors. His base color is all of them combined which makes him a bit of everything at the same time.
The Lotus Flower is famous for helping people sleep and that's the exact function of this little guy! He may appear like a child but he's very responsible and serious about his job, which is being most of the time in the dream realm to help creatures to have dreams that in some way have some kind of meaning. Lotus is a bit spoiled and feels stressed all the time, it's a bit ironic but he acts like someone who's constantly dealing with insomnia. His clothes are a cozy and comfy striped pajamas and he uses a sleeping cap which makes he even cuter. His base color is orange and that means he's isolated and creative.
 Clair’s name is a direct reference to the word “clarity” which makes perfect sense since her job is to bring light to all parts of the Planet, her outfit is kind of a superhero vibe with her scarf looking like a cape and her overalls being like a hero suit, her hair is a curly short cloud shaped format in a vibrant light blue color. Her eyes are all blank for a reason, she’s blind! But that doesn’t make her less then the others, in fact she does an amazing job everyday and she’s always in a really good mood to help the others and finding the literal light to them.
Kia is the type of person who's always having tea and taking care of her plants and that's 100% accurate. Kia is the creator of life and she's responsible for all forms of life on earth! Her clothes were inspired by the indie/hippie style which are totally on earthy colors, her mask is full of creative colors and shapes. Her base color is green and that means she's really nice and always in a good mood.
Lefus responsibility as an angel is one of the most important by far, he's the bringer of death and helps lost souls to find their way to the light, it can be a good or a bad destiny but he guides them to it. A lot of people may think he is a bad person but he is not! Lefu has a curious personality, being shy and quiet all the time. His appearance is inspired by the classic "Grim Reaper" wearing a dark hooded robe, caring a scythe and using a skull mask. He doesn't have a base color which means he doesn't have the tendency of anything and that just makes his personality even more curious.
Blaz is the strongest angel, his name means strength and he's responsible for the safety of the planet and all of its creatures. Blaz has his base color on blue which means he is cold and seek piece. He's armor is inspired by army knights and classic warriors aesthetic. He is a very serious person and sometimes he loses his temper over little things. His mask is inspired by classic helmets having the feathery tip on the top of it.
Timmy is inspired by some books characters like "Professor Lupin" from "Harry Potter" and even "Sherlok Holmes" he is responsible for organizing timeliness and historical events and that's why he's always very busy and because of that he can sometimes be rude, but in general he's nice and charming. His base color is yellow which can mean he's pontual and a bit stubborn. His clothes were based on the old fancy detective suits, his mask design has an owl shape which resembles time, wisdom and knowledge. His name is a cute variation of the word "time".
Last but not least, Hart the angel of love! Being the most selfish and childlike of the angels, "Hart" is inspired on the word "Heart" and his base color is pink which can mean cute and loving but can also mean jealousy and manipulative. Obi is a difficult person, she believes in the "love is the strongest power" a little too much and because of that he is really egocentric and narcissistic being rude to everyone and toxic most of the time. Her outfit is basically a scholar uniform but a bit changed with some reference to some representations of the cupid and Eros using an arrow neckless. His mask is really simple, being all pink and heart-shaped eyes.
Thanks For Your Time!
Nine Base Angels Project


Nine Base Angels Project

Character Design project for my webcomic, characteristics and meaning behind all of my choices for their appearance.
