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Why are flashcards such an effective studying tool ?

Why are flashcards such an effective studying tool?
The human brain is designed to perform in a particular manner. The human brain operates differently for both kids and adults. When it’s young babies, brain focus is more on building connections and networks. From the two hemispheres of the baby’s brain, the right and the left, the right hemisphere is in the growing stage for the initial three years. 

This right hemisphere or the right brain processes information very quickly. Instead, it gets bored when information comes at a very slow speed. It is the opposite with adults. We require information at a slow speed as our left brain is more active, processing it at a slow speed. Flashcards are an effective tool to learn early education for your newborns. Here are the reasons for why are flashcards such an effective studying tool.
Brain is stimulated when information is offered at a higher speed. At a very young age, this early brain stimulation can be given by showing images at high speed which is right brain-friendly. The process of showing the cards at high speed, the speed of flashing light, is very important. 

The cards are designed in a way that they can be flashed or shown at high speed are called Flashcards. The design of this card is also different from other images. The cards used to show images at high-speed need used to show images at a high-speed need to have a white background so that the image stands out. This will allow the brain to focus on what is important to be grasped in a fraction of a second. 

Images being real are extremely important because that’s where the brain gets the connectivity. Laminating this card will obviously increase its durability. However, on the other hand, it will have an adverse effect on the baby’s eyes and learning. The light glare reflected through the lamination does not allow the child to have a clear view of the picture and impacts the eyes. So the flashcards to be shown at a flashing speed should not be laminated.
Why are flashcards such an effective studying tool ?

Why are flashcards such an effective studying tool ?


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