M Anees's profile

Reflection | Digital Art


The art of Reflection is an ability that makes us the intellectually evolved creative beings that we are. The human mind's ability to Reflect upon ideas, thoughts and perspectives is what brings forth inventions, revolutions and specially some great Art.

Reflecting is the basis of art. Art  blossoms from an idea that is reflected upon thoroughly in the artist's mind. Admiring art also requires reflecting upon it and only then we can truly connect with the artist on emotional level.

According to me, Art is nothing but Reflection of the artist and their thoughts and emotions.

This piece here is a self-portrait that I made on my 20th birthday, it reflects some of the things that I fancy, may it be greek art, messy sketching, infinity, time, enlightenment or my favourite color; purple xD.

Love and peace 🖤
Reflection | Digital Art


Reflection | Digital Art
